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The Old Turkey vs the New Turkey's MİT

The Old Turkey vs. the New Turkey's MİT

Today, quite common verbal attacks against Turkey through the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan are directly related to the security architecture and the preferences thereof, the change in problem solving methods and the efforts to remain independent in foreign policy.

The global centers -more than the actors of the old Turkey- had reacted against the appointment of Fidan as the new chief of the MİT. As Israel expressed discontent more arrogantly, the blindfolded pro-Israel groups in Washington could not help themselves but reveal their discomfort. The most surprising reaction, however, had come from the “inside” or eyebrows had been raised upon his name as if Fidan had been appointed to the leadership of an institution in the United States or Tel Aviv, not to the top position of the Turkish National Intelligence, “Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı – MİT”. The statements made by the global centers, especially the recent atmosphere simply targeting Fidan between the lines of the news-analyses that were published by two leading newspapers in the US last week are nothing but the indigestion of the simple fact that Fidan is the chief of the Turkish National Intelligence. This is indeed quite interesting…Such heedless behaviors of Washington and Israel against another country and against the intelligence organization of that county are highly troubling. What is more troubling is their astonishment at being sidelined by an appointment at a time when they were thinking that their relationship with the security sector in Turkey had been so cozy over the years.

It seems that the actors of the old Turkey made a mistake due to the problematic relations they had with the West and Israel, misleading the actors who had turned both themselves and Turkey into a visa-free operation center. Similarly, the global actors who had contacts with the elites of the old Turkey for years seem to have gotten awfully used to the virtual comfort of the old Turkey. This “wedding”, which may be dated back to the establishment of modern Turkey at some point, had received the first serious blow to its structure when Turkey had said “No” to partnering for the occupation of Iraq. The 1st Justice and Development Party (AK Party) period directly dealt with the direct consequences on our region of the US’ two-term Neo-con administrations. Although it was a difficult period, the AK Party government had managed to save Turkey from directly paying the bill for Iraq’s occupation. The global centers had realized Turkey’s being insistent and serious on change when the AK Party won a landslide victory in the 2007 general elections. They had spent the period before the 2007 general elections with expectations of “fine-tuning” by the establishment as it had been the case during the past “deviations”. After July 22, 2007, it is not surprising that their first criticism over Turkey and the AK Party have focused on “Turkish foreign policy”. Today, quite common verbal attacks against Turkey via the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan are directly related to the security architecture and the preferences thereof, the change in problem solving methods and efforts to remain independent in foreign policy.

If we glance at the articles on Fidan, we see a very interesting picture: First of all, such a bold timeline given in the articles one after the other is the indication of a strange hastiness. We observed a similar hastiness when Fidan was targeted on February 7 (2013) by the local actors. We face a rush of attacks that gives the impression that they are trying to fulfill their duty as soon as possible and quite amateurishly. We see a style of rush which fails to reveal what their problem is or fails to express what is troubling them, yet is accompanied by the news that are made to order in advance; disregarding any concern even for the most basic tenet of being consistent.


First of all, it is not possible to understand the “originality ”of criticizing Fidan with the tone of not protecting the interests of the US and Israel. In a very impolite manner, a considerably naïve approach appears to preach a change of opinion