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What Is It That Al-Qaeda Covers Up

What Is It That Al-Qaeda Covers Up?

The slanderous claim of Erdoğan-al Qaeda link has been systematically voiced by the Gulen Group in Turkey. It is impossible to distinguish the mentality behind this slander from the Baath mentality in Syria or the US mentality in Afghanistan.

With the slanderous claim of Erdoğan-al Qaeda link, the December 17, 2013 rebels have become the lowest of the low. I do not know how low they can get. Interestingly though, as they get lower the rebels reveal their real agenda in a way that no one can rebut. Considered by them (the Gulen group) as strategic moves, slanders against Erdoğan such as him being a supporter of Iran or al Qaeda, come back like boomerangs.

Almost everyone believes that the December 17 plot against the government was a guided-operation and its Turkey-leg is conducted by the Gulen Movement – except for the Movement’s disciples who keep fooling themselves and think that they are fooling people too.

Many have rightfully written that the December 17 is a big operation on perception. On the one hand, the operation on perception continues to target electorates on the eve of the elections, and on the other it targets the actors behind the plotters of the December 17 operation and their public opinions. Although enmity towards Erdoğan is the bottom-line, the operation orchestrated by the Movement’s newspapers and their proxies addresses different segments of the society, and since these dailies have different target-readers, the operation now goes beyond simply being a tantrum of the Movement and turns into a “spiral of treachery.”

The issue has gone beyond the documents of the National Security Council (MGK) decisions that have been exposed (as part of this operation). Character assassinations, political engineering, an economic operation and a global black propaganda… All have reached a life-threatening level.


The mentality that placed an ad (in support of the protesters) in the New York Times during the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, and the mentality behind the low-level denouncement and the complaint tweets and hashtags in English on Twitter are the products of the same minds. They are the product of a sickness; an infirmity looking for the source of legitimacy in other resorts beyond the Nation. They are the product of indigestion, or not being able to accept the children of this nation as the authority.

Similarly, translating the word “mujahideen,” (literally meaning the “inner struggler” or “fighters against injustice”), as “jihadist,” (armed warriors of holy war) is not a sign of ignorance but an operation on perception that has stepped way out of line. To portray the reactions against this guided-operation as efforts to cover up the alleged-corruption is nothing but being cheap, and it is in fact an effort of the “parallel structure” to sweep its own criminality under the rug.


Al Qaeda has been used as a tool to cover up the massacres of the pro-status quo powers in tens of different spots around the world to date. In territories such as Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States has murdered hundreds of thousands, branding them as Al Qaeda.

Not so long ago, the Baath regime in Syria has systematically killed tens of thousands of Syrians in Syria, under the pretext of the al Qaeda threat. The regime even concealed the use of chemical weapons and reached an agreement with the West by using al Qaeda threat as an excuse.

The slanderous claim of Erdoğan-al Qaeda link has been systematically voiced by the Gulen Group in Turkey. It is impossible to distinguish the mentality behind this slander from the Baath mentality in Syria or the US mentality in Afghanistan. The aim is to place their ongoing guided-operation as a matter of “extremists versus the moderates” – just as the coup plotters have done in Egypt- and to gain the support of the actors whom they regard as the authority.

Perhaps some of you might remember, the pro-coup Egyptian media had used the caption “Egypt is fighting against terrorism” in the broadcasts during

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