Turkey will shoulder the 'heavy burden' of ending terror in Syria - Erdogan

President Erdogan said the US withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and with the right partners, and that Ankara was counting on the international community to stand with Turkey in its commitment to eliminating terror in Syria.

Turkey will shoulder the 'heavy burden' of ending terror in
Saudis cause major challenge for Trump in Congress

Saudis cause major challenge for Trump in Congress

The brutal actions of the Saudi kingdom have put President Trump in a difficult position with Congress, strengthening the Democrats' hand against him


President Trump continues to express skepticism about MBS's direct involvement in the Khashoggi murder, while criticizing the inconsistent and contradictory statements from Saudi officials about the killing

More than two weeks have passed since news broke of the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi after entering the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

Almost every foreign policy crisis in the United States in the last few years has shown the difficulty of responding due to the lack of a strategy or coordination.

The missing or killing of the Saudi journalist and intellectual, Jamal Khashoggi, will be remembered as a milestone not only for Saudi domestic politics, but also for the international perception of the Saudi regime.

A witch hunt in the White House?

It is a rather confusing time for outside observers to understand what is taking place in the U.S. administration today.

A witch hunt in the White House
How Trump benefits from the 'coup'

How Trump benefits from the 'coup'

With the U.S. midterm elections around the corner, public debate on President Donald Trump's political future is heating up.


Credibility of US government with a president as 'erratic' as Trump is greatly diminished, says expert

President Trump is not concerned about the interests, expectations and concerns of other states, and it is no surprise that he has declared most of the U.S. partners as enemies

The chaotic divergence in the U.S. administration aside, Washington has no complete policy for Syria

Turkey's counterterrorism offensive in Afrin gives hope for people in the region to have a better life in the near future

The West's refusal to view the YPG as a terrorist organization and the Western media's romanticization of 'the Kurds' reflect an eagerness to stop Turkey's anti-terror operation

According to those who have been briefed on it, the new strategy has four main principles – protect the U.S. homeland, advance American prosperity and economic security, have a stronger and more capable military and advance U.S. influence.

Turkey will have adopted a new system of government capable of overcoming parliamentarianism's structural crises when the vote count ends

The resignation of Flynn was an apparent example of the establishment's dissatisfaction with Trump's Russian policies. Yet, U.S.-Russian relations, which have a huge impact on global politics, must not be a topic in U.S. daily politics

While Trump has to deal with the senior figures of the U.S. establishment, who voice their dislike of him at every opportunity, he also needs to develop policies to consolidate his own base

In this atmosphere the NYT continues with its oppositional stance to Turkey and radical anti-Erdoğan sentiment, despite its supposed liberal editorial line.

Gülen continues to play his last trump card, which claims that Erdoğan is a dictator, by saying that his movement still has value for the West and, for this reason, he should not be extradited

We must categorically reject stereotyping that tries to portray Erdoğan as a typical Middle Eastern autocrat and Gülen as a progressive Muslim leader

How did the media in a number of Western European countries cover the military coup attempt of July 15 and the terrorist attacks in France? What is the role of Islamophobia and Orientalism in the Western media coverage of the military coup attempt in Turkey?