Early Elections in Turkey

There's something special about each election cycle, but the November 2015 race will be extraordinary.

Early Elections in Turkey
The PKK's New Terror Concept and the Political Position of

The PKK's New Terror Concept and the Political Position of HDP

The HDP fails to be a political party owing to its support to the PKK. Hence, Kurdish citizens have to remind the party of the difference between a party and a terrorist organization for the future of the reconciliation process.


There were two additional reasons, which deserve attention. One is short-term considerations and the second is ideological differences.

In line with its multidimensional foreign policy line in recent years, Ankara adopted an attitude of proactive engagement with major regional institutional organizations such as the Arab League, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the African Union.

The developments following the elections and breakdown of the reconciliation process demonstrated that the HDP's unprecedented success in the elections was indeed a pyrrhic victory.

Here is a political hyperreality: Turkey, while fighting against all terrorist groups in the region, is somehow being portrayed to the world as if it is ignoring the threat.

Syrian Refugees will Benefit from the Safe Zone

Despite the tension between Turkey and PKK, Turkish foreign policy regarding the creation of a safe zone aims helping and protecting the Syrian Refugees.

Syrian Refugees will Benefit from the Safe Zone
People of Turkey Expect a more Responsible HDP'

‘People of Turkey Expect a more Responsible HDP'

Muhittin Ataman: “The people of Turkey expect a more responsible HDP to invite the PKK to get rid of arms and withdraw from the Turkish territory.”


Nowadays, the HDP and the PKK find themselves at a crossroads: They will either walk further down the path of violence or reinstate the cease-fire to maximize their gains in northern Syria and reap the benefits of peace in Turkey.

The AK Party alone has the manpower and resources to lead the ideological fight against extremism in the Middle East.

The shocking aspect of the wave of terrorist violence that struck Turkey this week was that it originated from the radical-Islamist ISIS and secular-Kurdish nationalist PKK at the same time.

Both the CHP and the MHP leadership openly state that they would rather stay in opposition than serve in the nation’s political leadership.

Turkey is today in a very critical location due to multiple, evolving threats on its borders.

The opposition parties have come to accept that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the AK Party's founder and the mastermind behind the past decade's transformation, will remain a prominent figure in the political arena.

If it becomes clear that the AK Party and the CHP will fail to form a coalition government, the MHP will be faced with a tough decision. The party will either stick to its guns or limit its criticism of the AK Party to negotiate the terms of coalition.

An ancient Chinese saying goes “May you live in interesting times” which, could describe the dramatic developments that we witnessed this week concerning two key political figures from Egypt and Turkey, former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and longtime Turkish politician Süleyman Demirel.

Relations between Turkey and Russia have constantly been underemphasized and understudied since the end of the Cold War. Despite vibrant economic relations between the two countries and an increasing degree of social and cultural rapport via the constant movement of goods and services along the borders, the nature of relations between the two countries has not been very well discussed in academic and policy circles.

Answering France 24’s questions on the June 7 national elections in Turkey, SETA Deputy Director Muhittin Ataman interprets President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s message he issued after the announcement of the outcome.