Erdoğan remains at the heart of this dynamic, and any perspective clashing with the aforementioned vision is bound to alienate supporters over the longer run. Elite change, which would prevent such developments, represents the greatest insurance policy for the AK Party.
People tend to think about politics in terms of decades. Thanks to Turkey's transformation, we are currently contemplating the next decade of the country's politics with exclusive reference to political parties and the agency of their leaders.
Turkey's constitution shows that the post of presidency wasn't intended to be merely symbolic or ceremonial - it only morphed into this due to military interference.
Erdoğan's victory on Aug. 10, despite serious attempts to undermine his administration, marks the beginning of a new era in Turkish politics.
The Turkish people not only elected Erdogan, but they also voted against the founding ideology of the Republic.
Erdoğan's timely, direct and proactive moves reduced the time span of Turkey's normalization and democratization, and promoted economic stability.
Erdoğan's speech suggests that he desires to promote his notion of citizenship in the New Turkey. However, winning the presidential race also provided him with the legitimacy and opportunity to fully implement reforms for the Kurds and the Alevi community.
Erdogans presidential victory highlights that despite Turkeys polarisation over the Kemalist era's legacy the vast majority see him as the best route towards a modern, prosperous society.
The Gülenist parallel state began to operate with help from affiliated members of law enforcement, public prosecutors and judges, the covert organization gained access to all levels of government.
The Turkish electorate will vote for the president and the presidential system during the elections, but the aftermath of the elections will bring new debates regardless of who wins. There will also be debates regarding the functioning of the new system.
The rationale behind Turkey's policies reflecting its cultural capital, in turn, relates to the country's redefinition of its national interests, which manifest themselves in the form of Turkey's strong reactions against the military junta in Egypt and Israeli oppression in Gaza.
In the future, the 2014 presidential election in Turkey will serve as an oftencited example of the difference between political engineering and genuine politics.
It is becoming increasingly clear with every international crisis that the world order is moving towards a more balanced and multipolar structure in which a multiplicity of actors are holding numerous instruments of influence against each other.
The hundreds of policemen who were arrested on July 22 tell a valuable story about the past six years: a story of how things can get out of hand when the police, prosecutors and judges join forces.
What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?
There is less than a month to go before Turkeys presidential elections but media is still not giving a clear view of vote