The AK Party Loses Votes, Keeps the Title

Muhittin Ataman, the Deputy Director of the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), joining a debate on France 24 television tried to clear the dust away after Turkey’s general elections on June 7, 2015.

The AK Party Loses Votes Keeps the Title
Turkey Coalition Government Versus Early Elections

Turkey: Coalition Government Versus Early Elections

Since the AK Party has failed to secure majority in Parliament allowing the party to form a single-party government, various coalition scenarios are on the table now to determine Turkey's future politics.


The coming two weeks will demonstrate the intricacies and difficulties of forming a coalition and the most likely scenario seems to be going to early elections in the next two months.

A new push in Turkey's democratization and development drive will await us on June 8 so that the accumulated legacy of the last decade is not wasted.

Referring to the declared-illegal Gülen organization, SETA-İstanbul General Coordinator Fahrettin Altun asserts that the Illegal Structure muddies the political arena by manipulations.

In Turkey's political history, coalition governments have been marred by internal wrangling, turf wars, failures in governance, acute corruption and so forth.

The Quest for Presidentialism

Last week, Erdoğan attended a conference on Turkey's transition to presidentialism at the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) and stressed that the political leadership was "addressing issues that the Ottoman-Turkish modernization project had ignored for two centuries to build the system of government anew."

The Quest for Presidentialism
Morsi's Death Sentence

Morsi's Death Sentence

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.


As the HDP lacks necessary experience to focus on religion and popular demands in their election campaigns, it is impossible for the Kurdish political movement to compete with the AK Party at the national level

Which constitutional regime provides a better political framework for the foundation of development-friendly institutional compacts and effective state-business relations?

Ahead of the June 7 elections, the AK Party introduced a 350-page vision document reminding voters that the country, having broken the chains of guardianship, needs to prepare for ‘the second half'

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other

Turkey seeks to find a way out of sectarian clashes to mobilize support against ongoing attempts to divide the Islamic world amid conflicts in the Middle East

The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.

Today, Turkey follows a regional policy in conjunction with bilateral cooperations on certain issues. We cannot isolate Mr. Erdoğan's criticism of Iran and the meeting agenda from the broader context.

A presidential system will also allow better macro-policy coordination among the Finance, Development, Industry and Social Security Ministries and international trade, as there will be a clear line of upward hierarchy and better performance monitoring.

The popular claim that Turkey is moving away from NATO and its alliance with the West derives from the country's polarized political landscape and the opposition's anti-AK Party sentiments

TANAP will fundamentally change the energy equation in Turkey. They will also carry peace, security and stability from the Caspian to the heartlands of Anatolia and on to Europe, thereby constituting the groundwork for the formation of a more integrated regional political economy.

The two key elements behind the success of settlement processes are strong leadership and the perpetuity of the involved actors

The heated debate surrounding the monetary policy choices of the central bank and rapidly falling value of the lira vis-a-vis the dollar in recent weeks triggered a search for a new and production-oriented economic governance paradigm in Turkey.

Turkey will continue to surprise the endemic pessimists and return to a high and sustained path of growth after the completion of structural reforms.