Russia's Theater and Camouflage Politics

To cover his relation with DAESH, which came to light when Turkey downed the Russian jet for violating its airspace, Putin, with false evidence, accused Turkey of supporting the terror organization.

Russia's Theater and Camouflage Politics
What Pravda Lies can't Conceal

What Pravda Lies can't Conceal

Since Turkey shot down a Russian jet for violating its airspace on Nov. 24, President Vladimir Putin has been making strongly-worded statements to keep tensions high.


Qatar and Turkey are mutually dependent on one other in stabilizing their domestic politics and normalizing the region.

Who lost the Syrian civil war to Russia? Who rolled out the red carpet leading to the Middle East to the Kremlin?

Turkey was extremely disturbed by the rough geopolitical game Putin was playing next to its borders with substantial potential consequences on its national security and the aggravation of refugee flows.

The round table underlined the significance of Russia and Iran in the Syrian crisis, while highlighting the inefficiency of regional and international organizations.

What if al-Assad Does Not Step Down?

“Should al-Assad step down, disaster will ensue.” This assumption not only asserts that a region with al-Assad is possible, but it insists that it would in fact be better. Is that really so? 

What if al-Assad Does Not Step Down
Houla and al-Assad

Houla and al-Assad

The massacre in Houla last week demonstrated once again that not much has changed since the uprisings started in Syria. The Baathist regime continues to kill in front of the whole world.


SETA PANEL Moderator: Ufuk UlutaÅŸ, SETA Foundation Speakers: Steven Heydemann, United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Muhittin Ataman, Abant Ä°zzet Baysal University  Date/Time: May 25, 2012, FRIDAY 14:00  Venue: SETA Ankara room, ANKARA

The Annan Plan was a miracle plan that could have benefited, in the short term, all those who were not disturbed by the bloodshed.

Syria has become one of the few friends Iran has left, after it was blatantly sanctioned by the West, the U.S and other states in the region after the Islamic revolution.

Russia’s future in the Middle East fares no better than the al-Assad regime in which Russia had been investing.

Israel wants regime change in Syria, as much as it wanted a change in Egypt, the heart of the Camp David order, of which the Syrian regime is branch.

UN wants to see the al-Assad regime, which killed most of the 8,000+ people killed during demonstrations, to allow people to protest freely.

What the Syrian regime fails to see is that this space carved between the political occupations of 2012 and geopolitical balances is about to expire.

As so many outside powers have clashing geopolitical, security, and economic interests, what does the road ahead look like for Syria?

The only thing that will happen if the Assad regime in Syria is not overthrown is the continued political junk bond problem whose existence is extended slightly while its default risk is increased.

In the wake of the Arab League’s embargo against Syria, a new period is ahead for the Baathist regime.

In the past decade, Turkey moved towards more domestic democracy - while its neighbourhood changed in fundamental ways.

The majority of the actors, particularly those who are closely related to the Syrian crisis, do not really talk about Syria even when they are speaking about Syria.