Muhittin Ataman: Turkey is trying to recover and restructure its priorities in the Syrian crisis. For the first two years, it was the fall of the Asad regime, but now it is to prevent PYD from controlling the entire Turkish-Syrian border. This is a red line for Turkey.
Although Ankara highlights the significance of not being a part of a sectarian war to avoid increasing ideological polarization in the Middle East, it stands closer to Riyadh than Tehran.
The PKK's new strategic discourse in its fight against the state is determined by the HDP's leadership which has recently brought up the self-governance' debate. In this way, the HDP's organic connection with the PKK has been proven with the party's own hand.
We will most probably continue to have more information about Syria policy in the next few years, and these new accounts will enable a better analysis of the policy of the Obama administration since the beginning of the crisis.
Civil wars in Syria and Iraq are reshaping the Middle East, followed by issue-based alliances, thinking ahead and working on multiple scenarios.
The Kremlin's declaration that Russia will continue its airstrikes carried out in the name of fighting DAESH, but in reality are targeting the moderate groups in Syria, and the U.S. administration's inconsistent statements about the Assad regime make the future of the country more ambiguous.
The crisis between Ankara and Moscow that started after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet that violated Turkish airspace is about to enter a critical phase.
Accusing Islam of the attacks in Paris rather than DAESH, the terrorist organization, with no association whatsoever to the religion itself, will only serve to further spread Islamophobia, not end terrorism.
The Syrian refugee crisis, escalating terror attacks and global economic growth were the headlining topics of the G20 Leaders Summit successfully hosted by President Erdoğan.
Russia's close relation with the PYD concerns both Ankara and Washington. While Ankara is concerned about weapons that the PKK could obtain, the U.S. does not want the PYD to be included under Russia's influence in the region.
The U.S. and Russia, two permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, have been caught fighting a proxy war in Syria on the pretext of fighting international terrorism.
American administration does not want a serious role in Iraq anymore, at least not under Obama's leadership. The next president should volunteer to make serious political investments and be a sponsor for the political rapprochement in Iraq. Without a rapprochement in Iraq and Syria, the chaos will continue and ISIS will make use of it to last longer.
EU countries have now realized the threat of the Syrian refugee crisis reaching their borders, which Turkey has been warning them about since the beginning, and thus have come to solve the problem through working with Ankara.
Taking in consideration the geographical position of Turkey and the number of refugees that reside in Turkey, security faces many difficulties, but this does not undermine the hard work of the government.
"The Syrian Crisis After the Russian Intervention," panel organized on Monday by the Ankara-based think tank Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA).