Österreichischer Islamophobiebericht 2017

Dieser Bericht ist als Teil des englischsprachigen European Islamophobia Report entstanden. Der Österreichische Islamophobie-Bericht 2017 bildet dabei den Länderbericht für Österreich ab. Ziel dieses Berichtes ist es, die Entwicklung und den Status Quo von Islamophobie im jeweiligen Kalenderjahr aufzuzeigen.

Österreichischer Islamophobiebericht 2017
Turkey s Elections 2018

Turkey’s Elections 2018

This report examines and provides an introduction to the decision to hold the elections early and the platforms and candidates that the major political parties are putting forward in the June 2018 elections. As noted, there are a number of candidates for the presidency from the AK Party, the CHP, MHP, HDP, IYI Party, SP, and other parties. In the parliamentary elections, there are two major electoral alliances, a new feature in Turkish elections.


Is the institutional structure sufficiently trustworthy regarding management and supervision of elections in Turkey? What are the regulations introduced by the Election Safety Law and what are their purpose? What does the decision to move and combine ballot boxes mean? Are the criticisms justified?

How has the PKK gained a vast territory in Iraq and Syria? What was the strategy of the PKK’s territorial gain? Is the Turkish strategy for the de-territorialization of the PKK working? What challenges will Turkey face?

This book is the result of a research project organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Toplum Araştırmaları Vakfı, SETA) born out of the need to understand the context-specific dynamics of the violent radicalization of the PKK and its urban strategy between 2015 and 2016. The aim is to explore the causes, new dynamics, and effects of PKK terrorism, and to explain the failure of its urban warfare tactics in Turkey.

This paper focuses on the bilateral extradition treaty as well as the national and international law to analyze the extradition process. First, it presents the background information and the role of the perpetrator on the coup attempt on 15 July 2016 based on the prosecution’s case in Turkey.

The Manbij Agreement and Beyond

What was the strategic importance of Manbij for the United States, the PKK/PYD, and Turkey? What topics will be covered by the roadmap in Manbij? How sincere is the U.S. with Turkey about its PKK/PYD policy? Will U.S. military activity in Sinjar Mountain jeopardize Manbij Agreement?

The Manbij Agreement and Beyond

What were the United States’ aim and strategy? In what direction is the U.S. strategy transforming? Is a compromise of both achievable if Turkey’s aim and strategy is taken?

US action has dramatically altered and defined the diplomatic landscape, both with regard to Jerusalem and, more broadly, the parameters of the Israeli-Palestinian, Israeli-Arab, and US-Arab relationships.

Turkey's upcoming elections remain on the agenda of world politics. While Turkey, as the heir of the Ottoman Empire, seemed to lose her status of being a great state, she has gradually realized her historical role after the end of the Cold War.

How can we contextualize the initiative for banning the hijab? What is this ban’s main function? Is this law just another step of introducing discriminatory laws that treat Muslims differently than other religious groups? What can the Islamic Religious Community do about these plans?

Why does this manifesto reflect the anti-Muslim rhetoric that prevails in France?

The study argues that specific developments such as the territorial decline of DAESH, and counterterrorism experience ensured the prevention of more terrorist attacks by DAESH terrorists.

Erdoğan's party manifesto is a turning point for the AK Party's vision, which is adjusting to the country's needs and regional and global changes, according to SETA Istanbul General Coordinator Altun

How can we contextualize the initiative for changing the Qur’an? What are the philosophical bases of this initiative? Is there a genealogical connection to the Islamophobic network? What is the main function of this initiative?

Head of the Turkish think tank, SETA, Burhanettin Duran said that the AK Party decided to hold elections not because of an ongoing crisis or political turbulence, but rather to tackle any future turbulence. He added that Turkey's hand in dealing with adverse conditions will be strengthened after the polls

Why did the Lafarge Group strike agreements with DAESH, the YPG, Al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in Syria? Was the French state involved in such agreements? If so, to what extent? How do these incidents impact the Lafarge Group and the French state?

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

Why is the PKK targeting the Turks living in Germany? To what extent is the PKK a threat to Germany? What is Germany’s policy towards the PKK?