Large convoys dispatched near Afrin with operation imminent

Ankara is getting ready for a military operation against the threat of a terror corridor on the Syrian border, dispatching military convoys to southern cities, hitting PKK/PYD targets in Afrin

Large convoys dispatched near Afrin with operation imminent
SETA Politics Department Director Nebi Miş Turkish politics will become

SETA Politics Department Director Nebi Miş: Turkish politics will become contested by 2 'blocs' from now on

Political analyst, Nebi Miş, said the AK Party and MHP's possible election alliance is a necessary tactical move with the new presidential system, while the main opposition CHP has failed to create a long-term policy to challenge the other bloc


Rebels counter-attack in fight for Syrian air base

Emerging trends in the European political context, including the rise of nativist nationalism and the emergence of hostile public discourses on immigration, have brought ideas traditionally attributed to the far-right into mainstream discussion, in the process popularising and in some cases ‘normalising’ them in the eyes of particular audiences. Especially since the turn of the new millennium, the discussion on the dynamics of, and threats from, violent radicalisation has received considerable fresh attention since a series of recent terrorist attacks testified to its highly disruptive and destructive potential. Taken together with the appreciable rise in instances of hate speech and in violent incidents against vulnerable groups (Muslim, Jewish, Roma communities; immigrants and refugees, etc.), it is now feared that we may be witnessing a much broader and profound ‘reverse wave’ towards more intolerance, exclusion, and normalisation of violent extremism in contemporary societies.

By having indoctrinated Trump in the controversial Jerusalem decision, Pence has made a fair amount of opponents in the Middle East

Ankara not sidelining US, prefers cooperation

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

Ankara not sidelining US prefers cooperation
Turkish mourning for Egypt s victims 'significant'

Turkish mourning for Egypt’s victims 'significant'

Declaration of one day national mourning will help normalize the relationship between two countries, analysts say


FETÖ is a new generation terrorist group with giant parallel organizations, strict believers, subcontracting in intelligence operations and acceptance of all kinds of efforts, regardless of how malicious they are, to achieve its goals.

Turkish academics argue the United States must be part of recent deal between terrorist groups PKK/PYD and Daesh

With some minor changes in its policies on Gülen and the PYD, Washington can easily fix its ties with Ankara

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is considering either incorporating the KRG peshmerga into the Iraqi military or keeping it as a minor local force. It is very obvious to what extent this recession troubles the KRG, which has tried to realize self-governance since 1991. It is safe to say that the situation has traumatized the collective memory of Kurdish nationalists.

Despite the push to present Meral Akşener, the chairwoman of the newly established İYİ Party, as an alternative candidate against President Erdoğan in the run up to the 2019 presidential elections, Professor Duran thinks this will not translate into results, as a true candidate for the opposition parties is yet to be identified

Turkey has initiated the Idlib Operation in order to eliminate the possibility of the emergence of another human tragedy, and to avoid the loss of many lives.

The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) is an annual report, which is presented for the first time for the year of 2015.

In the face of two nationalist waves reaching its shores, Turkey must now take well-thought-out steps.

What are Turkey’s concerns regarding the KRG’s independence move? What leverage does Turkey have on the KRG? What is Turkey’s post-referendum game plan?

This analysis outlines the main drivers of the relationship between Turkey and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

SETA Security Researcher Merve Seren commented on the anniversary of the Operation Euphrates Shield.