Islamophobic language by high-ranking politicians, mostly from the far right, normalizes a dehumanizing and racist language when it comes to the por- trayal of Muslims. This reduces the threshold of what is considered utterable and overall acceptable in public discourse and legitimizes discrimination of Muslims as human beings and as citizens.
The media plays a crucial role in the reproduction and normalization of anti-Muslim racism.
Governments and political parties implement or demand legislations that directly target Muslims as religious subjects, treating them differently than members of other religious communities
Considering the transformation process in the Middle East and the global transition, it is clear that the Palestinian-Israeli question and the issue of al-Quds will continue to dominate the agenda of the Middle East and global system. Recent regional developments such as Trump’s decision regarding the future of Jerusalem and the solution proposal called the “Deal of Century” by the Trump Administration demonstrate that the holy city of al-Quds will continue to be discussed. This timely book will surely contribute to the discussion.
Publication of the “European Islamophobia Report 2018” on the European week of action against Islamophobia
What is the history of Austria’s security politics vis-à-vis Islam? What are the factors explaining the new security politics? What are the implications of the new security politics? What can be done to counteract this new development?
This study is designed to deliver background information, to lay bare the course of the S-400 procurement process, and to provide the reasoning to better understand the responses to the famous five “wh” and “how” questions.
This analysis mainly focuses on the description of the PYD/PKK’s drug routes and Turkey’s struggle against the PKK’s narco-terrorism.
This analysis provides a short introduction on what AI is, how it has evolved until today and how it will change the nature of warfare. It then assesses why states invest in AI to later turn to the case of the U.S. and China.
What is the history of designating the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States a “Terrorist Organization”? What are the implications of the Brotherhood label by the western governments? What does the Muslim Brotherhood allegation mean? How are Muslim civil society organizations threatened by the designation of the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization?
What is the hijab ban all about? Does this regulation not contradict with the principle of freedom of religion? How is the ban legitimized? What was the reaction of the opposition parties? What will be done by Muslims?
The objective of this report is to scrutinize the effectiveness of the reconstruction efforts as part of Turkey’s security-oriented active policies in the light of the developments in Syria.
This book elaborates on the nationalization of the Turkish defense industry since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
What is the context of the decision? What does this decision mean for Israel and for Netanyahu? What are the possible implications of the decision?
This analysis explains the March 2019 local election’s significance to Turkish politics and concentrates on the ways in which the visions of various political parties for local government have changed over the years.
Which natural resources did the YPG seize control of after its engagement with the U.S.? What is the extent of YPG-controlled natural resources and what is the YPG’s energy trade capacity? How important are these resources?
The analysis will offer an overview of Israel’s historical threat perception and how it has changed since the inception of the Arab uprisings in 2010.
This work aims to provide a timely and accessible assessment of the challenges awaiting Turkey in 2019. Hence, SETA Security Radar: Turkey’s Security Landscape in 2019 pertains to the following topics: Turkey’s role in Syria, Turkey’s counterterrorism strategy, Turkey’s military activism, the Turkish defense agenda, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean, and Turkey’s bilateral relations with the United States and Russia.
Since the planned wide-scale military operation by the Assad regime in July 2018 against the different military factions, Idlib has been the center of the Syrian conflict...
Ensuring border security is expected to be the main focus of Turkey's upcoming diplomatic meetings with its allies in the region, particularly the U.S. and Russia
Is a conflict in the Balkans likely in a near future? What are the implications of global politics on the stability of the Balkans? How should the ongoing disputes in the region be resolved?