The Plan for Dividing Yemen: Hadramout

In a period where different political powers have come to terms and made a notable progress about the new administration, and while 96 percent of the relevant works are completed in Yemen, could the launch of a new movement to divide the country starting from the region of Hadramout be a coincidence?

The Plan for Dividing Yemen Hadramout
US Foreign Policy Haunted by Specters

US Foreign Policy Haunted by Specters

The US cannot overcome the fear, concerns and hesitations provoked by these specters and conduct a serious Syria-related discussion despite the humanitarian drama in Syria.


What does Ennahda movement do in order not to share the same fate with the Morsi administration in Egypt and what are the difficulties it comes across?

A combination of obligations and concerns will determine the scope of the possible intervention in Syria.

Following the use of chemical weapons by Bashar al Assad, who has violated all the red lines in international politics, the US and others have started to discuss a possible military intervention in Syria, but this is mostly because they have concerns about maintaining the legitimacy of the international system.

Although the use of chemical weapons in Syria has forced the United States (US) administration to take action, it does not seem to make a big difference in the US attitude towards the issue in terms of strategy.

5 Questions: A Possible US Intervention in Syria

Kılıç Buğra Kanat: A possible U.S. intervention will not end the civil war. However, in a more optimistic look, it is possible to expect that the strike will seriously damage Assad’s conventional forces and give opposition groups serious advantages.

5 Questions A Possible US Intervention in Syria
The Arab Spring and the Appropriation of the quot War

The Arab Spring and the Appropriation of the "War On Terror"

Since January 2011, Arab regimes have also employed the terrorism card to maintain their grip on government.


The “Assad-Sisi axis” has become one of the paradigms explaining very well the global crisis that we have gone through as far as its actors and global repercussions are concerned.

It is possible to say that the Mohammed Morsi government in Egypt is about to end. However, a power struggle in which the Muslim Brotherhood is to play the leading actor of the political future of the country has just begun.

Turkey is the only actor that stands to spoil the neo Sykes-Picot. It appears that it will be impossible for al-Assad to regain his power in Syria as long as Turkey maintains its position.

The United States (US) and the West wait to see clearly who will win and when in Syria. While waiting, however, they lose both in Syria and in the region.

Özkan: “The death of Hugo Chavez signifies the end of a period in Latin America’s political history.”

Having lost its hold on the majority of the country, the al-Assad regime is now ensconced in Damascus.

The majority of those who claim that the Arab Spring has become an Arab Winter due to the violence that erupted in reaction to the obscene movie also happen to think that the Arab Spring itself was a motion picture.

Had Erdoğan supported the Baath regime or had he remained a spectator, as the opposition demanded, it would have taken him only months to do the political harm to himself that his adversaries could in decades.

Syria today is a place where cities are being annihilated, tens of thousands civilians are being massacred, and hundreds of thousands are forced to become refugees.

Iran has to change its perspective on the region if it really wants to become a determining factor in the region post-al-Assad.

The results of this litmus test will be utilized in the new Middle East numerous times!

“Should al-Assad step down, disaster will ensue.” This assumption not only asserts that a region with al-Assad is possible, but it insists that it would in fact be better. Is that really so? 

Turkish foreign policy has entered a new phase, and it is highly possible that this phase will prove to be a breaking point.