The KRG Referendum and the Future of the Region

The Kurdish nationalists who believe that the time is right for a referendum seem unable to keep their ambitions under control

The KRG Referendum and the Future of the Region
Balkanization of the Middle East Shall Be Resisted

Balkanization of the Middle East Shall Be Resisted

In terms of safeguarding regional stability, the key issue is protecting the territorial integrity of even the most fragile states in the Middle East through collaborative efforts


In this issue, Insight Turkey, deals with the events in world politics with the interpretation of Turkish and foreign authors. The issue discusses how U.S. President Donald Trump won the presidential election, and the changes and challenges that Trump brought to the U.S. domestic and foreign policy.

Whatever happens between the U.S. and North Korea in the current crisis, the Asia-Pacific will continue to constitute the locus of global hegemonic struggles in the long run

When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

Acting as a stabilizing force in a volatile region requires constant economic and technological prowess

Regional Volatility Increases Demand for Turkey's Stabilizing Role

Turkey's stabilizing role as a functioning democracy and strong market economy will be in higher demand in the coming months

Regional Volatility Increases Demand for Turkey's Stabilizing Role
Qatar-Gulf Rift Is First Step toward New Political Engineering in

Qatar-Gulf Rift Is First Step toward New Political Engineering in Region

SETA Foreign Policy Studies Director Ufuk Ulutaş said that the recent Gulf crisis is an attempt to redesign Middle East politics and it is not about the alleged support of terrorism by Qatar, but rather a result of Qatar following its own terms in regional matters.


The attempt to politically ostracise the tiny emirate is more likely to isolate Riyadh than to bring Qatar to its knees.

The current crisis is a prelude to Qatar's disciplining, the deeper polarization between Iran and the Gulf and the undermining of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas

Turkey is determined to follow its Syrian policy for its own goals without choosing Russia over the U.S. or vice versa

To make the region stronger and politically more powerful, Turkey and the Gulf states should shoulder the responsibility and start taking steps to develop a close mutual cooperation

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism

Trump administration might herald a new era in which the already existing danger of anti-Muslim extremism in the Western world

Despite support from several countries, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is under pressure from within. Increasing security concerns, terror attacks in the Sinai, economic issues and foreign policy problems threaten the future of his regime.

When considering the Russian state as European and Western, the world may face a renewed global confrontation between different Western/European power blocs

Since the reversal of recent popular revolutions in the Arab world and the loss of political stability in the wake of several failed states, foreign meddling and proxy wars created a vicious circle whereby radicalism fed instability and instability fed deeper radicalism.

To overcome the challenges that the region faces today, we must promote a democratic system capable of accommodating Muslim demands and respect diversity

If things get out of control, we might brace ourselves for a humanitarian intervention; and it will be in total conformity with the new power politics in the Middle East.

Turkey was to fall into the hands of the military junta and become one of the unstable countries in the region.

As we celebrate Ramadan Bayram under the shadow of coordinated DAESH terrorist attacks across the Muslim world, it is crystal clear that both the waves of terrorism accomplished with false Islamic rhetoric and a perverted approach to religious teachings pose an existential problem to Muslims