Turkey's military action against YPG inevitable

The YPG is the Syrian arm of the outlawed PKK that has been fighting against the Turkish state for years, so it is impossible for Ankara to accept any presence of these militants near its borders

Turkey's military action against YPG inevitable
Large convoys dispatched near Afrin with operation imminent

Large convoys dispatched near Afrin with operation imminent

Ankara is getting ready for a military operation against the threat of a terror corridor on the Syrian border, dispatching military convoys to southern cities, hitting PKK/PYD targets in Afrin


The end of the Cold War made these realities a little more complicated.

Political analyst, Nebi Miş, said the AK Party and MHP's possible election alliance is a necessary tactical move with the new presidential system, while the main opposition CHP has failed to create a long-term policy to challenge the other bloc

The Turkish leadership is not alone in their pursuit of normalization.

Turkey's opposition to Iran's expansionist policies does not preclude its objection to outside intervention and instability

The White House drops the ball on Iran

The policy-makers in the White House have not been able to agree on how to take position on the protests going on in the U.S.'s long-time rival Iran

The White House drops the ball on Iran
Time to drop regime change from int'l agenda

Time to drop regime change from int'l agenda

The long-term U.S. strategy for redesigning the Middle East with the creation of more compatible regimes continued with a series of attempts to trigger domestic tensions, civil strife and instability.


Turkey and Saudi Arabia have taken a great opportunity to revive their years-long partnership, and this time, the two should not miss the train for both their own and regional interests

Regional powers and U.S. allies, nowadays, try to figure out what the nature of this trend is and what it will lead to. Although it is dubbed "pragmatic realism" by actors of this new foreign policy, it raises concern about a new form of isolationism and a more aggressive form of unilateralism. The belated expression of commitment to the collective security clause of NATO has become part of this concern.

Turkey's foreign policy had a year of transition and change in 2017.

By standing stronger than ever, it is high time for the Islamic world to increase cooperation against deadly terrorism in their countries

Clearly, the Trump administration's threats were intended to prevent the U.N. General Assembly from voting overwhelmingly to support a resolution sponsored by Turkey and others.

The U.S.'s approach to the crises in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Palestine since 2010 has been about its experience of the hegemonic crisis.

Although the U.N. General Assembly decision is legally non-binding, the wide scope of global opposition to the U.S. on the status of al-Quds indicates a heavy loss of prestige and legitimacy for Washington, which could translate into a loss of effectiveness in foreign policy making on the Middle East.

It's important to focus on the reasons for the failure of Sissi's government's strategy toward northern Sinai.

Donald Trump's Jerusalem move made the situation in the Middle East even worse. Without east Jerusalem, there can be no two-state solution.

Foreign policy makers at the White House have damaged the U.S.'s reputation around the world, making the once leading country isolated among its allies

The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This sparked anger and reactions from the Middle East and Europe, and before the decision, many leaders around the world tried to reach out to the White House to stop the president from declaring his decision.