Perspective | The Syria Catastrophe: Is There a Possibility of a Compromise Between the USA and Turkey?

What were the United States’ aim and strategy? In what direction is the U.S. strategy transforming? Is a compromise of both achievable if Turkey’s aim and strategy is taken?

Perspective The Syria Catastrophe Is There a Possibility of a
Saving the HDP from marginalization

Saving the HDP from marginalization

The oppositions' presidential candidates, i.e. Muharrem Ince, Temel Karamollaoğlu and Meral Akşener, are calling for the release of Selahattin Demirtaş, who is supported by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), from prison.


Transatlantic relations between the U.S. and European Union have turned into one of the most significant crises in history...

Conflictual and exclusivist foreign policies are simply zero-sum games; the normalization of politics in the Middle East requires balanced relations among regional states

Regardless of what coalition forms in Iraq, the new government will face the problem of ensuring political stability, government control over non-government groups and encouraging normalization among different ethnic and sectarian elements

The Trump administration's new Iran strategy, as highlighted by Pompeo in his first public speech, will negatively affect the lives of ordinary Iranians rather than the ruling elites

The meaning of the Iraqi elections

In Iraq's first parliamentary elections since the defeat of Daesh, which resulted in nationalist victory, Iran and the United States were the biggest losers

The meaning of the Iraqi elections
US isolation deepens as Trump bungles foreign policies

US isolation deepens as Trump bungles foreign policies

In the last two weeks, two moves of U.S. foreign policymakers have demonstrated the basic problems of their strategy, potentially challenging Washington's own interests and international relations.


The study argues that specific developments such as the territorial decline of DAESH, and counterterrorism experience ensured the prevention of more terrorist attacks by DAESH terrorists.

Erdoğan's party manifesto is a turning point for the AK Party's vision, which is adjusting to the country's needs and regional and global changes, according to SETA Istanbul General Coordinator Altun

Allies are quickly losing faith in Washington's erratic foreign policy decisions and confidence in its leadership is rapidly diminishing

The U.S.' untrustworthy diplomatic moves, along with the decision to pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran has led to more instability in the Middle East

French President Emmanuel Macron paid an official visit to Washington to meet his American counterpart Donald Trump.

Sometimes the biggest challenge for policy makers is not the diagnosis of the problem, but the lack of a proper strategy to fix it; nowadays one of the biggest hurdles in Washington.

Head of the Turkish think tank, SETA, Burhanettin Duran said that the AK Party decided to hold elections not because of an ongoing crisis or political turbulence, but rather to tackle any future turbulence. He added that Turkey's hand in dealing with adverse conditions will be strengthened after the polls

What can end the conflicts and dilemmas in Syria is an effective initiative taken by the international community instead of irrational U.S.-led policies such as backing a PKK-affiliated terrorist group

Why did the Lafarge Group strike agreements with DAESH, the YPG, Al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in Syria? Was the French state involved in such agreements? If so, to what extent? How do these incidents impact the Lafarge Group and the French state?

The transition to a presidential system with the June 24 snap elections will provide time and space for necessary reforms in the country while reducing political uncertainty and increasing resilience against possible regional and diplomatic crises

Experts from Ankara-based think-tank say Turkish-US relations should be put back on track for sustainable peace in Syria

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons on civilians in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, and threatened to use military power in response to this deplorable act.

The chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta resulted in unprecedented tensions between Russia and the United States in Syria.