Kosovo is only a beginning

Washington should consider Ankara as an important ally instead of depending on terrorist organizations since it has proven its determination and success on the ground

Kosovo is only a beginning
West responsible for Turkey's partnership with Russia Iran in Syria

West responsible for Turkey's partnership with Russia, Iran in Syria

The Ankara summit, which facilitated closer cooperation between Turkey, Russia and Iran in Syria, fueled two concerns in Western capitals


Turkey's war against the PKK and the People's Protection Units (YPG) is often presented as a Turkey versus Kurds storyline in mainstream, international media outlets.

The chaotic divergence in the U.S. administration aside, Washington has no complete policy for Syria

If the U.S. really wants to withdraw from Syria and stop meddling in Middle Eastern politics, it should start by reconsidering the ideological profiles of major policy makers in Washington

Turkey has executed two successful military operations in northern Syria. After Operation Euphrates Shield, Turkish security forces undertook Operation Olive Branch with fewer human losses and less cost.

Is the new target Sinjar or Manbij and what does Turkey want to do?

Following successful counter terrorism operations in Northern Syria, Turkey resolute to entirely clean all of its borders with Syria and Iraq from terror elements

Is the new target Sinjar or Manbij and what does
Turkey wants to fill geopolitical void in Middle East

Turkey wants to fill geopolitical void in Middle East

Washington should find a way to cooperate with Ankara as Trump steps toward creating a more homogeneous and hawkish administration on diplomacy, national security and the economy


It took just 58 days for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Free Syrian Army (FSA) to liberate the Afrin city center.

In his book, we see that McMaster actually extracted the right lessons from the failure in Vietnam, but sadly enough, he was ousted from the Trump administration without achieving much

The American invasion of Iraq can be demonstrated as a textbook example of how to kill a state and destroy a population, if not a nation.

The U.S. should have realised that Turkey was not bluffing about clearing its border from all terrorist elements

Under a new counter-terrorism policy, Turkey is committed to neutralizing national security threats in Syria and Iraq whether European leaders like it or not

As Turkish-U.S relations have been passing through a difficult period, U.S. President Donald Trump announced last week that he fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and nominated CIA Director Mike Pompeo via his Twitter account.

Gulf states face the first real and vital challenge after the outbreak of the Arab Spring but it seems they do not have the capability to handle it

The U.S.'s mistakes in Syria resemble those it made in the Iraq War, making the Middle East more complex than ever

The ongoing turmoil in the Middle East, particularly the escalation of the Syrian war, can be seen as an indication of the restart of a cold war

Munich Security Conferences (MSC) are important annual international events that bring world leaders, decisions makers, academics, business people, bureaucrats and young professionals together to discuss the security challenges the world is facing. MSC is considered one of the most important forums for global security policy.

In one of the most debated books in the U.S., "Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of the Nations," Amy Chua, a Yale University professor, wrote about how identity politics abroad is often missed by the U.S. and how this negligence has generated major failures in U.S. foreign policy.

The U.S. making axis shift in foreign policy is the root cause of frozen Ankara-Washington relations

The U.S.'s continuous support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria has elicited political criticism and moral outrage in Turkey.