Turkish-German Relations: From Conjunctural Cooperation to the Solution of Structural Issues

What does normalization in Turkish-German relations mean? What are the opportunities and limits of the future Turkish-German relations? What does Turkey expect from Turkish-German relations in this new period?

Turkish-German Relations From Conjunctural Cooperation to the Solution of Structural
Where Erdoğan and Trump stand on the United Nations

Where Erdoğan and Trump stand on the United Nations

resident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will be in New York this week to hold a large number of bilateral meetings and address the United Nations General Assembly. Provided that Erdoğan speaks right after U.S. President Donald Trump, it will be interesting to compare the two leaders' remarks.


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi on Monday. .

It is crucial that the international community concentrates on diplomatic efforts to revive the political process, and it must also put more pressure on Russia, Iran and the Assad regime to prevent the imminent military offensive against Idlib

The crisis in Idlib has brought the question of Syria to the top of the agenda one more time for the world.

The current American administration, led by an ultra-nationalist and xenophobic politician, has abandoned the traditional principles of American hegemony, namely liberal democracy and the free market

Wanted: New strategic partners

There was a time when you could have called Turkey's relationship with the U.S. a "strategic partnership."

Wanted New strategic partners
What Western alliance

What Western alliance?

For the past five years, the Western media has engaged in an endless "discussion" on Turkey.


Credibility of US government with a president as 'erratic' as Trump is greatly diminished, says expert

Turkey has been under an economic attack since last week when the United Stated imposed sanctions on two Turkish ministers following the arrest of evangelical pastor Andrew Brunson.

The U.S. president continues straining his country's ties with Ankara by making irrational and undiplomatic moves against Turkish national interests

The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's participation in the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa last week was significant for Turkey's search for a new direction.

The war of words between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, entered a new stage, as Iran's president, commonly known as a moderate reformist, moved closer to hardliners such as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and General Qasem Suleimani.

This report has been written with the intention to inform the public, it also aims to provide motivation in order to expose the true colors of the Gülenist Terror Organization in the U.K.

The Helsinki summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin did not yield any tangible outcomes, but can be described as a good start to discussing several bilateral and regional problems

NATO's Brussels Summit witnessed "strong debates on defense expenditures," showing that the rupture within the alliance is growing.

NATO is considered the most potent and successful military alliance in modern history. Every year, leaders of the NATO member countries meet in one of the member countries to discuss the critical issues and agenda items of the alliance.

The ongoing rift between the U.S. and the EU countries in NATO hints at the slow collapse of the Western alliance

Without any doubt, Donald Trump will be one of the most debated presidents of the United States. While it would be very difficult to speak about a specific Trump doctrine or legacy, Trump's years in office will be associated with volatility and isolation.

Concentrating on the results of the June 24 elections in Turkey, I temporarily turned a blind eye to Western media's coverage of this historic vote.