President Donald Trump's administration is increasing its pressure on Iran...
It began on Nov. 17, 2018 as a protest against fuel price rises and quickly evolved into a middle-class revolt and subsequently into a movement against French President Emmanuel Macron, who is seen as "favoring the bosses." It spread across France with university students and even high school students joining in protests.
The Donald Trump administration continues to use American power crudely every day. Washington not only continues to dismantle the post-World War II liberal order, an American creation, but has also imposed its unilateral national interest on the international arena and its actors.
The U.S. announced Monday it will not renew special waivers that allowed eight countries, including Turkey, to import Iranian oil without violating renewed sanctions.
With no Daesh-held territories left and McGurk, Votel gone, time for the US to seriously reassess the role of CENTCOM and its policies
It is becoming more and more apparent that the relationship with the U.S. will dominate our foreign policy agenda in the upcoming years. This issue is not only limited to the widening rift in bilateral relations over the recent period but essentially related to the changing strategic calculations of Washington and Ankara.
Turkish-American relations are strained again ahead of the delivery of S-400 air defense systems from Russia. In their Moscow meeting at the beginning of the week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed the plan to deliver the first set of S-400 air defense systems to Turkey in early July.
The Europeans are following in America's footsteps, revealing that they only care about their own interests. Their support for Egypt proves that
In recent years, the United States has been following contradictory policies toward Middle Eastern countries. The American government began to become dependent on two Gulf States for their regional policy, namely the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia.
U.S. President Donald Trump is eager to declare victory against Daesh, yet his military commanders express concerns that the terrorist defeat might be short-lived.
Belgian-born parliamentarian Mahinur Ozdemir says Muslims who wear Islamic garb get intense media scrutiny
Head of Geylani Foundation in Rotterdam urges Dutch government to take immediate action against attacks
Ali Erbas, the head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, says racism, xenophobia narrow areas of freedom
The idealization of female leadership in politics has been debated around significant themes such as gender equality, democracy, freedom and anti-discrimination...
People in Western European countries have been on the streets for the last few months demanding something from their respective governments.
Although the protesters' anger is directed against French elitism, we cannot afford to ignore that the ongoing crisis is crucial to the future of Europe and democracies around the world
The spreading disorder in Europe has recently haunted France, putting the country's democracy to a huge test and alarming after EU states as well
The global political economic system was established with the Bretton Woods institutions, namely the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, in 1944, just before the establishment of the United Nations.
The German government's 'secular Islam' project only serves to make the Muslims in Europe become more radicalized, but not more integrated into their society
The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has become a milestone in Saudi politics. Many American media outlets reported that the CIA concluded in a report that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the de facto ruler of the country, personally ordered the killing of Khashoggi.
President Erdoğan has called on Western powers to stop trying to negotiate new Sykes-Picot style agreements in the Middle East and North Africa, and urges them to support Turkey's fight against terrorism