Expecting Berlin's support in fight against terrorism

Turkey's expectations from Germany are very clear: To support Turkey in its fight against terrorism, and to end its support to the terror groups fighting against Turkey. Let us leave aside the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) and even the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) and speak only of the PKK.

Expecting Berlin's support in fight against terrorism
SETA General Coordinator Professor Duran I don't believe Meral Akşener

SETA General Coordinator Professor Duran: I don't believe Meral Akşener is the Candidate who could replace Erdoğan

Despite the push to present Meral Akşener, the chairwoman of the newly established İYİ Party, as an alternative candidate against President Erdoğan in the run up to the 2019 presidential elections, Professor Duran thinks this will not translate into results, as a true candidate for the opposition parties is yet to be identified


Decision by the U.S. administration and Congress will have a variety of ramifications for politics in the Middle East and U.S. relations with its partners in the nuclear deal. Remember that actions of the U.S. administration will be judged with U.S. actions and inactions that have taken place in recent years in the Middle East.

The U.S. identified a new priority: The containment of Iran. Having secured the support of Israel and several Gulf countries, the U.S. president recently unveiled a new, strongly-worded Iran strategy. And he refused to certify the Iran nuclear deal to compel Congress to take action.

The current crisis with the West is structural and genuine. But the talk about Turkey turning its back on the West is used for operational purposes.

Turkey's Western allies, which conveniently turned a blind eye to Ankara's vital interests, have effectively compelled the Turks to work more closely with Moscow and Tehran.

Call For Reports: European Islamophobia Report 2017 (EIR)

The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) is an annual report, which is presented for the first time for the year of 2015.

Call For Reports European Islamophobia Report 2017 EIR
From Berlin to Irbil a New Era

From Berlin to Irbil, a New Era

In the face of two nationalist waves reaching its shores, Turkey must now take well-thought-out steps.


Needless to say, Greece stands to lose more than other EU countries if membership talks with Ankara come to an end. And we are not just talking about illegal immigration and terror threats either.

What kind of a partnership must be built with Turkey? How will the new EU be? These are the actual questions that require further consideration.

European politicians hope that Mr. Erdoğan will grow tired of the anti-Turkey smear campaign in Europe and walk out of the membership negotiations.

Macron's latest statement on Erdoğan shows the French president fails to keep himself away from the rising orientalist fantasies among EU leaders

There is a smear campaign that started ahead of the April 2017 constitutional referendum that aims to prevent Erdoğan's re-election in 2019

Strong economic ties continue to constitute the building block of Turkish-German relations today.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel needs to learn certain lessons from Charlottesville. Mrs. Merkel, who lays claim to the leadership of the free world in the face of Mr. Trump's populism, could be following in his footsteps without even knowing it

The tumultuous atmosphere in Hamburg reminded me of the night of July 15 in Istanbul when Turkish people were on the streets to stand up Gülenist coup plotters

During the G20 Summit in Hamburg, world leaders have to find answers to two important questions: What is the reason behind the damaged relations between member countries and how is the extent of their support to the fight against global terrorism?

Instead of making empty promises, world leaders should discuss how to fight global problems during the G20 summit in Hamburg

Upon seeing that Turkey was at peace with Islam and intent on repairing the state's relationship with religion, EU leaders became critical of Turks and adopted an openly anti-Turkish, anti-Erdoğan tone

The infinite evolution of the term development continues along with the rapid advancement of technological know-how on the eve of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The European countries must take a strong position against the cruelty of the Assad regime instead of attacking legal actors, like Erdoğan, if they are sincere to do something for peace in the region