Trump's Miscalculations and Turkey's Future

Needless to say, Trump was proven wrong. nor is there any reason to believe that his predictions will turn out to be true any time soon

Trump's Miscalculations and Turkey's Future
Turkey and the Wave of Instability

Turkey and the Wave of Instability

It does not make sense for the U.S. and the EU to problematize their relations with Turkey on an ideological basis; instead, they need a new perspective that focuses on rational interests and long-term stability in the region


Mainstream European politicians have created a new politics of fear of Turkey and Turks in Europe, and at every opportunity, European media helps them

Targeting Erdoğan and Turks may now seem to help German politicians in the upcoming elections, but escalating the current tension will irreparably harm Berlin's already troubled relations with Ankara

When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

Unless Western states fail to correctly understand the sociology of the July 15 coup attempt, Turkey will be a 'lost partner' for them and vice-versa

Europe Has a Problem with Erdoğan

Erdoğan keeps a tab on the EU's unfulfilled promises and talks about Europe's unreliability in the public. That's why, the image of him the EU leaders have is he is as an authoritarian Turk

Europe Has a Problem with Erdoğan
Qatar-Gulf Rift Can Riyadh Be Triumphant

Qatar-Gulf Rift: Can Riyadh Be Triumphant?

The attempt to politically ostracise the tiny emirate is more likely to isolate Riyadh than to bring Qatar to its knees.


We must find answers to a number of key questions: are the U.S. and the U.K. assuming the leadership of an emerging coalition? Is an alliance between Germany and France still feasible? Could Turkey work more closely with Italy, Spain and the U.K.?

The words and phrases "leading from behind", "retrenchment" and now "America first" all provide a fuzzy set of conceptualizations so that some may even consider a soft beginning of isolationism in U.S. foreign policy.

The structural change in the post-April 16 era is truly critical for Turkey's ascendance into the global pecking order and is valuable enough not to be sacrificed to any blackmail attempt

The potential oppressive environment that the new U.S. administration could create has already gripped Europe. Europe is not in a position to create a concrete response in the face of the Russian threat. In such an environment and due to the negative steps taken against Turkey, it is not possible for Europe to maintain its clout and moral superiority among Turkey's political elite or its public

The old continent is rapidly losing its promise to preserve human dignity, fundamental rights and liberties in the deep abyss of its exaggerated fears

Today this dichotomy carries no meaning anymore on the current European political stage, neither for Europe's domestic politics nor in terms of its regard toward Turkey. Identity politics has prevailed over strategy in Europe

The German government's efforts to whitewash FETÖ, which staged a coup attempt last year, shows Berlin's disrespect toward Turkish democracy

Industrial Revolution 4.0, set to trigger fundamental socio-economic transformations across the globe.

The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations

Turkey's decision to extend its existing offensive in Syria is quite audacious, but it has no choice other than to assume its active role in the Syrian civil war, which is the root cause of many problems in the Middle East

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism

Mr. Erdoğan's reaction to his guest's references to "Islamist terrorism" provided valuable insights into their conversation

European leaders, including Chancellor Merkel, should be aware of their need for Turkey and stop bandwagoning on the anti-Erdoğan campaign