Turkey Is the Biggest Test for the EU Project

The EU's systematic search to keep Turkey outside is shrinking Europe and putting the European Union project into a crisis

Turkey Is the Biggest Test for the EU Project
Against the Ropes Angela Merkel in Trouble

Against the Ropes: Angela Merkel in Trouble

Merkel's gamble on the Turkey-EU deal resulted in Germany's diplomatic deadlock. From now on she will have to work hard to avoid losing Turkey's friendship


Germany recognizing the 1915 Armenian incidents as genocide is another strategic move to push Turkey in a corner for the sake of the EU, with no regard for the chaos in the Middle East - proof that the EU is ideologically blind

There refugee crisis and the citizens with Turkish origin living in Germany are two decisive elements in the German-Turkish relation and as well remind us of the interdependence between these two states.

If the Japanese government is determined to become more visible in global politics, it should make the most of opportunities such as the Syrian crisis to take the first step in convincing the international community

Criticizing Turkey has been a popular sport in Western capitals. It would appear that they will continue talking for some time. In April, their main focus will be charges of Armenian genocide, to which Turkey must respond with rational policies able to cut through the noise.

Downfall of Pro-West Intelligentsia in Turkey

Since Erdoğan ended the old habit of the pro-West intelligentsia in Turkey, he has been portrayed as a sultan, and Turkey as an authoritarian state

Downfall of Pro-West Intelligentsia in Turkey
The West's Hypocrisy Toward Turkey

The West's Hypocrisy Toward Turkey

The West has a new approach toward Turkey. On issues like terrorism and the refugee crisis, in which Western nations have a vested interest, they engage in constructive dialogue with the government. Just in case negotiations don't go as planned, they threaten to complain about Turkey's purported slide into authoritarianism and the decline in press freedom.


A recent report by SETA puts forth a detailed profile of steeply rising Islamophobic incidents in 25 European countries as terrorism and Islamophobia trigger each other

The anti-DAESH campaign conducted by the global community is far from well-coordination and only serves the terror organization's interests

The scandal was not just a failure of European intelligence services either, as it relates to a broader lack of coherent counterterrorism policy across the continent, which needs to be addressed by taking European-wide security cooperation to the next level.

European double standards that discriminate between terrorist organizations and provide safe homes to some so long as they do not conduct violent activities in Europe should change immediately

SETA organized a panel on Monday and presented the "European Islamophobia Report 2015" with the participation of presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın.

Western actors especially should consider revising their positions on Syria and the refugee crisis before exerting pressure on Ankara, which has already taken in 2.7 million refugees and spent $9 billion for their care.

According to Bayraklı, the respond to the attack must be more cooperation between Turkey and the international community.

What Putin and the Kremlin elite have to clearly understand is that Turkey is not at all helpless against Russian bullying, on the contrary, it could employ numerous alternative options to fill the vacuum that will be created by the Russian absence in its diplomatic and economic network.

Conventional European pragmatism to conceptualize Turkey as a buffer zone to keep the troubles of the Middle East away from civilized Europe are bound to fail, as shown by the dramatic unveiling of the Paris attacks.

The G20 has to focus on finding solutions for the current financial problems, on increasing income equality and youth unemployment in the world.

EU countries have now realized the threat of the Syrian refugee crisis reaching their borders, which Turkey has been warning them about since the beginning, and thus have come to solve the problem through working with Ankara.

Recent years have made it clear that NATO is going through a transformation process; Turkey will be one of the allies most affected by this process. Both the future of NATO and Turkey’s perception of NATO membership will be at stake unless the allies can reach consensus on the core strategic issues of the transformation agenda. Analysts urgently need to come up with convincing answers to the following questions: In which ways has NATO’s transformation been going through? Why does Turkey feel uneasy with some aspects of the process? What steps should Turkey take in order to ensure that the transformation of the Alliance is viewed positively at home?