Elections and More Questions

There is serious concern about the future of unity due to the exclusivist discourse in the U.S. society while 'House divided' murmurs are on a rise

Elections and More Questions
Turkey's Fight against DAESH

Turkey's Fight against DAESH

This report aims to analyze Turkey's fight against DAESH, with an emphasis on the processes of continuities and ruptures on the side of DAESH, and the responses given to it that were witnessed.


The Asia Pacific still is in the periphery in both Trump and Clinton's major addresses to the U.S. public opinion

Turkey is acting with quite realist justifications in foreign policy. Turkey's struggle with terrorist organizations and the relations it fosters with other states breed on these justifications.

Turks are trying to adapt to the regional order's downfall and a dangerous increase in the number of failed states in the neighborhood

One thing that should not surprise anyone in regards to Turkey's policy in northern Syria is the future operations of Turkey against YPG and Daesh targets in the region without any discrimination

Shifting Sands: Turkey and the New World Order in the Middle East

If things get out of control, we might brace ourselves for a humanitarian intervention; and it will be in total conformity with the new power politics in the Middle East.

Shifting Sands Turkey and the New World Order in the
What Should Not Be Done In Mosul

What Should Not Be Done In Mosul

Use of groups such as Hashid Shaabi, who will only instigate sectarianism, or the PKK and other terror organizations connected to it, will only bring greater bloodshed and create opportunities for Daesh to reinvent itself in new forms


Focus mustly not on the ideological, but the practical benefits of keeping Washington on the agenda

In response to the Obama administration's actions, Turks continue to increase the number of their own 'local partners' in the fight against Daesh.

Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt

Turkey is working to make the U.N. meaningful and functional despite obstructions. And it should continue in its efforts.

The next president should correct President Obama's mistakes and reach out to traditional U.S. allies in the region by enforcing a safe zone in northern Syria

At this critical juncture, instead of debating who needs whom more, the next administration should focus on how to reclaim the strategic partnership and working relationship with an important ally

What the U.S. is going to leave behind after the end of the conflict in Syria is a branch of the PKK terrorist group that controls vast lands to the south of Turkey's border

In the long term, the most important and effective mechanisms to stop this form of violence will be through understanding the roots of recruitment for terrorist organizations

Western leaders should stop confessing and try repentance instead. The world would be a better place if they refrained from making mistakes on purpose

The Chilcott report claims that things in the Middle East would be quite different than the current situation if the U.S. and U.K. decision makers at the time of the Iraq war had pursued a logical strategy