Breaking the Vicious Circle of Radicalism, Islamophobia

Since the reversal of recent popular revolutions in the Arab world and the loss of political stability in the wake of several failed states, foreign meddling and proxy wars created a vicious circle whereby radicalism fed instability and instability fed deeper radicalism.

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Radicalism Islamophobia
2017 A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism

2017: A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism

Unless we come up with a comprehensive plan to fight and defeat terrorism in the region, European capitals will continue to fear the next terror attack


'The way of lifestyle is under threat in Turkey' is a discourse produced by some hidden agendas with the aim of creating chaos in Turkish society but nothing more

By attacking a popular nightclub in Istanbul, the terrorists wanted Turkish people to accept defeat but the only way out of the current situation is to keep going forward

Turkey will continue to be in Syria no matter what until Daesh terrorists are completely eliminated from the towns

Turkey is not trying to change teams. It is only seeking a healthy balance between Russia and the U.S.

Al-Bab and Turkey's Fight against Daesh

Turkish Special Forces took up the challenge and showed the world that they represent the most effective ground force that could fight Daesh in the battlefield

Al-Bab and Turkey's Fight against Daesh
PKK's Suicide Attacks Pave Way for Turkish Incursion

PKK's Suicide Attacks Pave Way for Turkish Incursion

The same people who hailed the PKK as a merry band of revolutionaries might soon have to face the fact that they were in bed with terrorists all along.


What was the purpose of the assassination? What can be said about the perpetrator? What might the consequences be? How should reactions to the assassination be regarded? How might the assassination reflect on the Syria crisis?

Turkey is not conducting foreign policy in a stagnant region. It has to be aware at all times of the developments and shifting balances of power.

While the Washington elite is preoccupied with infighting, policy makers across the world are eager to understand where the next commander-in-chief wants to take U.S. foreign policy.

The international community fails to understand the gravity of the terrorism threat around the world. Turkey was the target today, but no one knows who will be next

There is a genocide going on in Aleppo in front of the eyes of the entire world; civilians are being killed indiscriminately, without a care for whether man or woman, child or adult, child, young or old

The public debate on constitutional reform and presidentialism is symptomatic of broader changes in state-society relations in Turkey

Despite strong volatilies in the exchange rate due to global factors, Turkey's economic risk levels are not objectively assessed

Turkey is seeking to protect its economic and political interests in northern Iraq while fighting against PKK and ISIL.

If the Trump administration wants to normalize the U.S.'s relations with Turkey, it has to focus on taking steps to end the lack of 'trust' between the two countries

When the larger picture that takes the "Trump factor" and rising global economic tensions into account is analyzed, it is clear that the turbulent period in the global economy might be with the U.S. well into the medium term.

The belief that DAESH will face major transformations and will begin its downward spiral is very optimistic. To talk about post-Mosul DAESH scenarios, one must wait for a complete loss of the group’s territories.

Turkey needs to prepare a road map for the education of refugee children. This is necessary to prevent the emergence of a ghost generation that has no identity, no home and no future.

The attack on Istanbul’s Ataturk airport in June 2016 indicates that the ISIS threat to Turkey is transforming from a sole criminal issue to a long-term strategic concern.