Challenging the Iranian Influence over Iraq

A new balance of power is emerging between Russia and the U.S. as well as among regional powers including Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Challenging the Iranian Influence over Iraq
Aleppo Is Obama's Darkest Legacy

Aleppo Is Obama's Darkest Legacy

At the end of the day, Obama did not act and the people of Syria suffered. This will continue to haunt his foreign policy legacy


Turkey is the main humanitarian actor on the ground spearheading intense shuttle diplomacy with Russia for a peaceful resolution of the Aleppo crisis

The main motive of Turkish-Russian relations is the interdependence in the economy, taking into consideration that bilateral trade between the two countries is quite high.

The world witnessed a major humanitarian crisis last week, as regime forces and its allies committed atrocities in Aleppo, along with the inaction of the U.S. and EU and the rhetorical actions of the U.N. Security Council

After the failure of the coup attempt, it was revealed that the coup makers already had a list of people that they planned to assassinate or execute.

Turkey's New Russian Policy

If European leaders had given the strong support Putin gave on the night of July 15, we would today be talking about a "Turkey-EU spring" instead of the "second spring" of Turkey and Russia

Turkey's New Russian Policy
How to Read Turkish-Russian Relations

How to Read Turkish-Russian Relations?

Turkish-Russian relations can simply be defined as the normalization of relations and rapprochement between two states after the downing of the Russian jet in Turkey


Turkey's journey as a rising regional democratic power continues despite multifarious internal and external interventions, but might create surprising new partnerships

It is almost impossible to defeat the Fethullahçı organisation by just focusing on its institutional infrastructure. It is also absolutely necessary to defeat the movement’s messianic ideology and belief system.

A point that has become very clear after July 15 draws my attention, as the anti-Turkey campaign have already ceased to be run by AK Party opponents in Germany and Austria.

If Washington wants to protect the Turkey-U.S. alliance, it has to re-evaluate what happened on the night of July 15.

Gülen continues to play his last trump card, which claims that Erdoğan is a dictator, by saying that his movement still has value for the West and, for this reason, he should not be extradited

15th July was a night full of lessons for the people studying nonviolent movement around the world

The cleansing of FETÖ elements from institutions is absolutely essential to guarantee the effective operation of state apparatuses

The people of Turkey who came face to face with tanks and armed soldiers on the streets and who witnessed the murders of civilians feel a true sense of resentment toward the dogmatic comments from American and British media

Turkey was to fall into the hands of the military junta and become one of the unstable countries in the region.

The attack on Istanbul’s Ataturk airport in June 2016 indicates that the ISIS threat to Turkey is transforming from a sole criminal issue to a long-term strategic concern.

The conditions of the Sykes-Picot agreement are no longer valid, but the spirit of the agreement is still alive.

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report