What's Happening in Turkey?

All of the Western media, having received their information from the same 20-30 top individuals, all of whom share the same point of view, paint a particular picture of Turkey.

What's Happening in Turkey
Was Assad Alone in Committing the Massacres

Was Assad Alone in Committing the Massacres?

These photographs are the best proof of why Assad is still standing. These massacres could not have been committed by the Baath regime alone. Just like Milosevic, the racist, Sisi the ouster, Israel the occupier, the Assad regime could inflict atrocities on two conditions.


Two different constitutions were drafted and put on a popular vote in three years after Hosni Mobarak was overthrown in Egypt.

Rule of law has been one of the leading topics of discussion since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The founders of the secular republic which was built on the ruins of the Ottoman State, attempted to ground it in a hybrid model of politics and law, in every sense of the word.

Developments such as the destruction of the weapons of mass destruction and softening relations between Iran and the international system may generate a different motivation in the upcoming negotiations.

It is possible to say that the next step for the Egyptian Minister of Defense, General Abdel Fattah al Sisi, will be the presidential post. This is because new campaign groups and movements to support his candidacy have already surfaced.

The AK Party and the Operation Against Political Legitimacy

Since the operational political engineering that the Gulen Movement has launched by leveraging its power within the bureaucracy corresponds to a developing new form of tutelary, it threatens democracy in Turkey.

The AK Party and the Operation Against Political Legitimacy
What happened on Dec 17

What happened on Dec 17?

There had also been numerous corruption investigations into municipalities – governed both by the AK Party and other political parties. Why didn’t those investigations attract as much attention as the Dec. 17 investigation?


Now in Egypt, there is a new Constitution before us which institutionalizes the Military-Judiciary-Police State and narrows the sphere of the civilian politics in the post-coup period, and paradoxically is dominated by completely secular, liberal and Naserist positions.

As Turkey has become the scene of a corruption case on December 17, 2013, no one anticipated what the relevant investigation may lead to.

If Turkey witnesses that its politics has been saliently and overtly designed through this operation, what will be the fate of the country in the face of a new tutelary regime?

Cem Duran Uzun: It seems difficult to reach a consensus required for a constitution draft in a political environment of struggle and tension caused by the election process.

One should not expect a cure-all magic package but appreciate every single positive step because improvements take place through small steps extended over a period of time in Turkey.

In order to maintain stability in influx and out flux of capital, investment fund inflows should be encouraged and precautionary measures should be taken for the outflows. The Istanbul Finance Center project will prevent the capital in and out fluxes to be a factor of instability.

The 2013 local elections in Iraq give an idea about the general elections to be held in 2014 in terms of both the results and the alliances to be formed.

Judging from the scene revealed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), the paradigm has bankrupted and the transition to a new order has already begun since the world of friends and enemies who stood by the tutelage regime for years is totally confused now.

The following analysis summarizes recent developments on two items in Turkey’s political agenda: the anti-tutelage struggle; and the PKK’s disarmament and the resolution of the Kurdish question.

The debt crisis in EU countries provoked pessimistic scenarios regarding economic growth, causing developed and developing countries to revise down their economic growth plans.