President Erdoğan's Political Road Map

The AK Party has a unique position in Turkey's politics. The fact that leadership change, which had devastating effects on many political movements before, went smoothly here supports this view. Needless to say, Erdoğan deserves some credit for the smooth transition.

President Erdoğan's Political Road Map
Time to Institutionalize Presidentialism

Time to Institutionalize Presidentialism

One key aspect of the chain of events that eventually culminated in Davutoğlu's departure is directly related to systemic anomalies in Turkey's current semi-parliamentary system.


The latest incident between President Erdoğan and Prime Minister Davutoğlu proves Erdoğan's argument about the risks of a 'double-headed executive' right.

Dr. Farid Hafez from the University of Salzburg and Dr. Enes Bayraklı from SETA analyze Islamophobia in Europe vis-a-vis their new annual report, 'European Islamophobia Report 2015'

The PKK is an ultra-pragmatist terror organization that can use even the peace rhetoric to fool communities.

European double standards that discriminate between terrorist organizations and provide safe homes to some so long as they do not conduct violent activities in Europe should change immediately

Is Another Regime Crisis Awaiting Turkey?

Turkey has to solve the administrative system crisis facing it in order to be able to surmount its domestic problems and be effective in its region by forming socio-economic and socio-cultural integration belts

Is Another Regime Crisis Awaiting Turkey

Turkey, which has experienced a number of military interventions and coup attempts, needs to rewrite the current constitution which is ironically the product of the Sept. 12 military coup.

Iran's sectarian expansionist policy forces the Turkish government to back the Saudi government. However, Turkey, as the only country able to prevent the power struggle between the two countries, is aware of the dangers of a possible sectarian war and thus calls the two countries to reconcile.

It appears that the matter of struggle against the PKK will continue to be the primary issue on the political agenda. At this point, the attitude the HDP will take is of the utmost importance.

The results of the elections show that the AK Party received another election victory.

It is in the hands of U.S. officials to avoid attacks targeting U.S. missions and citizens. The U.S. should be aware that the support being given to the PYD is also given to the DHKP-C.

The HDP sees the latest wave of attacks as a window of opportunity to support its anti-Erdoğan propaganda for the Nov. 1 elections. However, this discourse only benefits the West's campaign to smear Turkey

The Russian actions in Syria took place in a period of the transformation of the international system. It is a period of post-unipolarism in which the U.S. no longer sufficient power to shape the politics and economy of the entire world.

In contrast to the weaker European economies, neighboring Turkey has managed to recover fast and exhibit positive signs that the economy is moving towards more sustainable growth rates while dealing with domestic vulnerabilities.

On July 13, 2009, an intergovernmental accord on the proposed Nabucco gas pipeline was signed. The 3.300 kilometer long pipeline will transport Caspian, Iraqi and likely Iranian gas in the future depending on the changing situation and its relationship with the USA, and to a lesser extent Egyptian natural gas resources, via Turkey to Austria. The Turkish leg of the pipeline will be 2000 kilometers long.Given that the pipeline is designed to export non-Russian Caspian resources – Azeri, Kazakh, and Turkmeni - to European markets, thereby, diversifying energy supplies for western energy markets, several European states and the US have supported this project. The project is planned to become operational in 2014 with an estimated cost of 7.9 billion euros (10.6 billion dollars). In addition to enhancing its energy corridor role, the pipeline will provide significant benefits to Turkey in terms of revenues, employment, etc.