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The Possibility of General Sisi's Becoming President

The Possibility of General Sisi's Becoming President

It is possible to say that the next step for the Egyptian Minister of Defense, General Abdel Fattah al Sisi, will be the presidential post. This is because new campaign groups and movements to support his candidacy have already surfaced.

The Egyptian public opinion has started to discuss more openly al Sisi’s presidential nomination. Last Saturday, the Egyptian media carried again the subject of General’s candidacy to the popular opinion.

However, the military sources denied the rumors. The Armed Forces focus on the Constitution Referendum and the fight against violence in this period, stressed the spokesperson of the Egyptian Army, Colonel Mohammed Ahmed Ali, inviting media to make reliable news and be more careful. Although the military sources issue statements to deny the news leaked to public about al Sisi’s candidacy, still a sentence such as “Every citizen of Egypt is entitled to be a candidate” is appended in these statements leaving the door open for Sisi’s candidacy.

The Wafd daily, the media organ of one of the oldest political parties in Egypt, the Wafd Party, based on the information from reliable political sources reported that “The Minister of Defense al Sisi has the intention to run for the presidential elections.”

A semi-official media organ in Egypt, Al Ahram published a similar statement in the paper’s Internet site (Al Ahram Online). It attracted attention that the daily’s source was a televised program titled “The developments in Egypt” broadcast on the Saudi sponsored MBC television. “Al Sisi has decided to become a candidate,” it had been announced on the program.

According to Al Ahram daily, al Sisi will announce his candidacy after the Constitution Referendum to be held on January 14-15, 2014.

On the other hand, the rumors are that in this process al Sisi will be removed from office and replaced by the Chief of General Staff Sidqi Subhi. However, the military sources announced that this news is not true either.

A military source, who wishes to remain anonymous, spoke to Al Watan daily and said that the rumors do not reflect the truth and that the Supreme Military Council did not discharge al Sisi from office. According to the news, the military source said “Because General Sisi has not made his final decision about his presidential candidacy.”


Minister Al Sisi is regarded as the savior of the country by a critical segment of the Egyptian people in the aftermath of the overthrow of the President Mohammed Morsi. Al Sisi has strengthened his image of “a strong administrator,” attributed by his supporters” following the evacuation of the Rabia and Nahda squares.

The media have started discussions about al Sisi’s presidential candidacy from the early months of the road map declared by the military on July 3, 2013. Many political figures such as Ahmad Shafiq have announced that they will support al Sisi’s candidacy for the presidential office.

As one of the key actors involved in the process of toppling Morsi, the Tamarroud Movement feverishly supports General al Sisi for presidency. Mahmoud Bedir of the Movement, one of the Tamarroud leaders, had said in a statement that “he will support al Sisi if security and stability cannot be ensured until the presidential elections.” On the other side, in a Wall Street Journal interview earlier al Sisi had left the door open for presidency.

In the process left behind, the perception has been created that only a strong leader can provide security and stability in the country in the presence of all entities except the political actors gathered around the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), and that this leader is al Sisi.

Al Sisi is definitely the strongest candidate in a fair and clean election considering that non-political trends such as Salafi Nour Party, Al Azhar and Sufi Lodges in addition to the Islamist movements lacking political experience will support al Sisi.
If the presidential elections had been held in July or August and al Sisi had been a candidate, he would have more likely left behind his contenders and won the elec

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