Turkey is Bound to Become a Regional Energy Hub

If TANAP and Turkish Stream successfully create the expected synergy, Turkey will become both a regional energy hub and a major player in global energy diplomacy.

Turkey is Bound to Become a Regional Energy Hub
How to Abolish the Board of Higher Education

How to Abolish the Board of Higher Education

The coming months will provide ample opportunity to examine and learn how competing political parties are planning to tackle the seemingly challenging task of higher education reform in Turkey.


Turkey's policy entrepreneurship within the G-20 has been weaker compared to similar middle powers, but holding the rotating presidency presents a golden opportunity to upgrade its activism in economic diplomacy platforms.

Forty-nine hostages were rescued from ISIS after a successful operation. Considering the delicacy of the situation, the supervision and conduct of this operation appear worthy of commendation.

Erdoğan's timely, direct and proactive moves reduced the time span of Turkey's normalization and democratization, and promoted economic stability.

In Jordan and Lebanon, Syrian women often experience intense exploitation, particularly if they represent a vulnerable sector of society – whether a widow, single woman or an undocumented resident.

The Role of Islam in Turkish Foreign Policy

The rationale behind Turkey's policies reflecting its cultural capital, in turn, relates to the country's redefinition of its national interests, which manifest themselves in the form of Turkey's strong reactions against the military junta in Egypt and Israeli oppression in Gaza.

The Role of Islam in Turkish Foreign Policy
An Operation Against the Gülen Movement

An Operation Against the Gülen Movement

The hundreds of policemen who were arrested on July 22 tell a valuable story about the past six years: a story of how things can get out of hand when the police, prosecutors and judges join forces.


Today, Israel does exactly the same thing as 2008 and 2012, as the Gaza massacres merely attest to a shallow strategy. It spills blood yet again in Ramadan 2014.

A successful transition in Iraq towards stability will require meangingful decentralisation, an equitable plan for oil revenue distribution - and a lot of compromise on all sides.

No need to say that this will create a substantial additional bill for energy-dependent countries like Turkey, and multi-pronged strategies shall be prepared beforehand to ensure energy security.

Multilateralism, in the absence of a clearly articulated policy goal and willingness for international leadership, will not achieve results by itself.

That Turkey was going to face a tripartite campaign race during 2014-2015 has been known since the Constitutional Court ruling on the amendments to the electoral laws in 2012.

There is nothing to be hopeful about an election that was produced by a coup d’état orchestrated with the political support provided by the United States, financing by the Gulf and violence by the Baltajis.

Ever since the general elections of June 12, 2011, even without knowing how exactly events would unfold, it was not difficult to see that 2014 stood to become a very difficult political long year.

Is the approval of the regional autonomy really the case when the 2014 elections are considered? What do the 2014 elections tell us about the future of the peace process?

U.S. President Barack Obama headed to Asia for multi-country tour that will include Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Since December 2013, there has been an increasing power struggle in Turkey between two former allies, the Gülen Movement and the ruling AK Party.

The gender card in international aid is not a novel factor, especially when it comes to the Security Sector Reform (SSR) in which the PSF training programmes fall.