Syria in the Middle of Violence

SETA presents the analyses of SETA experts on Syria in order to better understand Syrian civil war which cost more than 100 thousand lives, injured more than 2 million people and displaced many others.

Syria in the Middle of Violence
Is the World's Economic Center of Gravity Changing

Is the World's Economic Center of Gravity Changing?

Although the 19th century was the European century and the 20th century was the American century, it is forecasted that the 21st century will transform into a more global century led by Asia.


In order to maintain stability in influx and out flux of capital, investment fund inflows should be encouraged and precautionary measures should be taken for the outflows. The Istanbul Finance Center project will prevent the capital in and out fluxes to be a factor of instability.

If one desires to strengthen meritocracy and quality, it is necessary to revise the entire legislation which was drafted with institutional bigotry by “bureaucrats who were unable to be appointed although they wished for it.”

In brief, the critical issue in building a new system is not whether or not to have an entrance exam. What matters is creating a mechanism in which the entrance exam will be designed to select a limited number of students.

The events of July 3 represent nothing but pure political pornography. The sole truth and reality remains: Mohamed Morsi, the elected president of Egypt, lost his power to a military junta and its international solidarity networks.

The Human Cost: Syria in Crisis and Human Rights

This is a complex conflict; it is not simply black and white. In order to fully understand what is happening in Syria, every aspect of the conflict must be considered including the actors both inside and outside the state.

The Human Cost Syria in Crisis and Human Rights
5 Questions Croatia's EU Membership

5 Questions: Croatia's EU Membership

Croatia has officially become the 28th member state of the European Union on 1 July, 2013. Croatia’s membership to the European Union will probably pave the way for numerous political and economic developments and changes in the Balkans.


Hezbollah will face its real crisis when it completes its transformation from a respected regional actor to a lonely actor.

The AK Party, as the author of many firsts in the resolution of the Kurdish issue, has taken a huge lead over other parties.

That Turkey has not signed a new stand-by agreement with the IMF does not necessarily mean that Turkey – IMF relations have come to an end.

In 2012 the government introduced numerous changes and established new mechanisms in order to reinforce the constitutional state, resolve judiciary issues, protect and improve human rights and finally strengthen democracy.

The economic transformation in the region will enable effective use of regional resources and ensure sustainable peace and environment of trust.

The dynamics of the current political climate in Turkey, which make impossible to create a new Constitution based on consensus among political parties, can be discussed under three headings.

Legislation and judiciary in Turkey have served to safeguard interests of the state rather than protecting rights and freedoms of citizens.

The military regime, after having kept its cool during the revolution and the parliamentary elections, went on the offensive right before the presidential elections and intervened in politics.

Trade relations between Turkey and Russia indicate that divergence between these two countries regarding the resolution of the Syrian crisis has not deeply influenced the relations between the two.

During a period of crisis and uncertainty in the global markets, Turkey enjoyed both a balanced budget and a healthy environment for investment.

While Turkey witnessed a marked slowdown in consumption demand in the first quarter of 2012, primary data show signs of a moderate recovery and indicate that the steady increase in export will continue in the second quarter.