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Israel Holds the Key to the Solution of the Palestinian

Israel Holds the Key to the Solution of the Palestinian Question

Although the Palestinian question started after the emergence of Zionism as a political movement, it has been at the center of Middle East politics for a long time due to the consequences of the Arab-Israeli Wars and the Israeli occupation after the establishment of the state of Israel. Relegated by many to the background due to developments focusing on Iran and the Persian Gulf since 1979, the Palestinian question has continued as an unresolved “problem,” and today, it is again the most important item on the agenda in the Middle East and the world at large.

Although the Palestinian question started after the emergence of Zionism as a political movement, it has been at the center of Middle East politics for a long time due to the consequences of the Arab-Israeli Wars and the Israeli occupation after the establishment of the state of Israel. Relegated by many to the background due to developments focusing on Iran and the Persian Gulf since 1979, the Palestinian question has continued as an unresolved “problem,” and today, it is again the most important item on the agenda in the Middle East and the world at large. The most important reason for the emergence of Palestine as a “problem” is the Israeli occupation and unless the occupation ends, all paths to a solution will be blocked. The current tension and Israel’s disproportionate attacks are being analyzed through Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. However, it should not be forgotten that Hamas was founded in 1987 while Palestinians have been fighting for their rights for more than a century and will continue to do so if a solution is not reached. Paradoxical as it may seem, Israel actually holds the key to a solution not only for the Palestinians, but also to its own security. If there were no settlements to perpetuate the occupation, if Israel withdrew from the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem, if millions of Palestinians expelled from their homeland were granted the right to return, and if a full-fledged Palestinian state with recognized and respected sovereignty was established, there would be no “Palestinian problem” and Israel would be able to live within secure borders... Read more on Politics Today: Israel Holds the Key to the Solution of the Palestinian Question [Politics Today, October 27, 2023]