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Call for Papers Turkey's Politics of Energy Security

Call for Papers: Turkey's Politics of Energy Security

The spring issue of Insight Turkey invites individual paper contributions that address Turkey's energy security relations within the changing dynamics of regional security system.

Turkey has been revising its foreign policy and energy security policy since the AK Party came to power. The country has been utilizing its geopolitical importance and introduced new measures to diversify its energy supply sources and to liberalize its energy market. In tandem with its growing economic development, Turkey is projected to be the third biggest energy market in Europe in 2030, but lacks sufficient energy sources. It will remain a net importer of hydrocarbons for the foreseeable future. Therefore, Turkey considers energy security a top priority and aligns its foreign policy with its energy policies. More energy routes passing through Turkey present it as a potential new energy center that can contribute to regional peace and stability.

The spring 2015 issue of Insight Turkey will focus on Turkey’s politics of energy security within the framework of its evolving regional and global significance. Management of hydrocarbon sources, upstream and downstream project in Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Middle East regions requires inclusive scholarly discussion. The recent achievements such as materialization of TANAP and Kurdish oil sales to the international energy markets will be analyzed in this special issue. Turkey’s energy relationship with Russia has been shifting as a result of the reduction of Turkey’s natural gas imports and the abandonment of the South Stream project, which brings life to the “Turk Stream.” The drop in oil prices and its potential impact on Turkey and the region will also be explored. Furthermore, energy dependency between the EU and Turkey and Turkey’s new security challenges facing its relationship with energy supplier countries will push Ankara to promote new energy regime in international community.

This special issue on energy security invites individual paper contributions that address Turkey’s energy security relations within the changing dynamics of regional security system. Subject categories could include the future of Turkey’s nuclear power strategic plan, future innovations in energy technologies, Turkey’s energy contract management, and its complex relationship between supplier and consumer countries.

Potential contributors should submit an initial abstract to [email protected] no later than 15 March for consideration. Contributors will be contacted shortly thereafter. Submission of full paper is requested on 15 April 2015.Articles will undergo a peer-review process before publication.

Articles should be 5,000-6,000-word essays that present findings of research or analysis or 2,500-3,500-word commentaries. Please see contributor instructions on the journal webpage further information.

Suleyman Elik & Ibrahim Arinc
Guest Editors

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