The Evidence against Fetullah Gülen behind Coup Attempt

The evidence contained in case files against the coup plotters clearly say that last summer's coup attempt was orchestrated by FETÖ members

The Evidence against Fetullah Gülen behind Coup Attempt
Trump Should Clarify U S Relations with Russia

Trump Should Clarify U.S. Relations with Russia

The foreign policymakers of the Trump administration need to clarify how the U.S.-Russian relations will go on


When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

Since Trump took over the presidency, there has been a lack of strategy in U.S. foreign policy

In truth, the matter is that Erdoğan and the political party of which he is the leader fit into the center of Turkey's administration and do away with bureaucratic oligarchy.

Just because they think it serves Erdoğan's interests, Westerners and the opposition are trying to discredit the Turkish people's great resistance against the coup attempt on July 15

Remembering the July 15 Resistance

The moments of people from all backgrounds standing united against coup forces last July will be remembered by future generations as the proudest moments in Turkey's history

Remembering the July 15 Resistance
To Uphold and Preserve Legacy of July 15

To Uphold and Preserve Legacy of July 15

The legacy of July 15, which brought together people from various backgrounds for the sake of Turkey's future, must be kept alive for the next generations


The treatment of the protesters that night and the violence they inflicted on Turkish society was a sign of what a dreadful regime they wanted to build after the takeover of the government.

Military interventions that interrupt the normal functioning of democratic regimes and utilize brutal military force to suppress legitimate political authorities and their support base open deep wounds in social fabrics.

Unless Western states fail to correctly understand the sociology of the July 15 coup attempt, Turkey will be a 'lost partner' for them and vice-versa

Kılıçdaroğlu opted to polarize society in an attempt to have Erdoğan voted out of power in the next election cycle.