Does Erdoğan Have a Cool Job?

Macron's latest statement on Erdoğan shows the French president fails to keep himself away from the rising orientalist fantasies among EU leaders

Does Erdoğan Have a Cool Job
Plight of Rohingyas Engulfed in Great Power Struggles

Plight of Rohingyas Engulfed in Great Power Struggles

According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.


Once recognized as a human rights icon, Aung San Suu Kyi now rules a country that violates the most basic rights of its Rohingya minority, including the right to life

There is a smear campaign that started ahead of the April 2017 constitutional referendum that aims to prevent Erdoğan's re-election in 2019

Following successive firings in the White House, it is really hard to predict the future of the new U.S. foreign policy

Operation Euphrates Shield, an overdue incursion that ended in success, clearly took the Turkish military's technical capabilities to the next level and strengthened Turkey's ties with local partners

Obama's Broken Promises Continue to Haunt Turkish-US Relations

Although there is a different administration in the U.S. right now, the memory of broken promises from the Obama era, particularly about Syria, will continue to haunt Turkish-U.S. relations

Obama's Broken Promises Continue to Haunt Turkish-US Relations
Economics as the Basis of Turkish-German Relations

Economics as the Basis of Turkish-German Relations

Strong economic ties continue to constitute the building block of Turkish-German relations today.


Ankara's objectives, closely associated with homeland and border security issues, obligated it to take military measures

German Chancellor Angela Merkel needs to learn certain lessons from Charlottesville. Mrs. Merkel, who lays claim to the leadership of the free world in the face of Mr. Trump's populism, could be following in his footsteps without even knowing it

The events that took place in Charlottesville last week increase the polarization and potential conflicts among society, deeply damaging the global image of the U.S.

The latest terrorist attack in Barcelona at the popular Las Ramblas tourist attraction, known from George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia," killed 13 people and constitutes the most recent unfortunate incident in this context