Spain Attack Alerts Urgency of War on Daesh

The fight against Daesh terrorism should focus on the stabilization of Syria as well as how to stop Daesh elements in different countries from organizing deadly attacks around the World

Spain Attack Alerts Urgency of War on Daesh
The AK Party's Comprehensive Change

The AK Party's Comprehensive Change

Clearly, the primary meaning of Erdoğan's quest for comprehensive change is to give some officials who have been carrying out demanding tasks for a long time an opportunity to rest by letting them hand over their positions to successors.


As long as the AK Party continues to blend a commitment to transforming Turkey and an eagerness to protect it from attacks, the opposition will continue to feel inadequate

It is impossible for Turkey to stand idly by while YPG terrorists interfere in Idlib and threaten the security of the whole region

Needless to say, Trump was proven wrong. nor is there any reason to believe that his predictions will turn out to be true any time soon

Trump should take into account public opinion in the U.S.'s two allied states in the region, South Korea and Japan, before escalating its nuclear tension with Kim Jong Un

Storm Brewing in Asia-Pacific

Whatever happens between the U.S. and North Korea in the current crisis, the Asia-Pacific will continue to constitute the locus of global hegemonic struggles in the long run

Storm Brewing in Asia-Pacific
Remembering The Hiroshima Tragedy in the Midst of US-North Korea

Remembering The Hiroshima Tragedy in the Midst of US-North Korea Nuclear Threats

The trauma and shock experienced after the world's deadliest attacks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki should be a lesson for those who are seeking nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea


Regional actors taking position in the Syrian town of Idlib seems to be changing the balances in the whole region

The positive atmosphere following the Yenikapı rally against the July 15 coup attempt where all leading political party representatives and their supporters came from various political backgrounds, was a great opportunity for a better future in Turkey, yet the CHP leader unfortunately chose to stay out of this unity

We already know that certain people at home and abroad are willing to resort to anti-democratic methods to end Erdoğan's rule.

It does not make sense for the U.S. and the EU to problematize their relations with Turkey on an ideological basis; instead, they need a new perspective that focuses on rational interests and long-term stability in the region