NATO about to lose Turkey's alliance

The ongoing rift between Turkey and NATO is resulting from the U.S.-led organization ignoring Ankara's concerns on its national security

NATO about to lose Turkey's alliance
Forgotten tragedy of Rohingya people

Forgotten tragedy of Rohingya people

International humanitarian agencies should make concrete contributions to the Ankara's efforts to stop the suffering of the Rohingya people


The escalation of the nuclear issue with Iran, the unveiling of the Gulf crisis with Qatar, the crisis with Turkey over the support for the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria and the alleged involvement in domestic power struggles in Saudi Arabia were all indications of this tendency.

Regarding Turkey, the U.S. has habitually demonstrated problematical foreign policy decisions, a dismissive attitude and controversial rhetoric.

As a result of the U.S.'s reluctant policy on Syria, other countries are obliged to bypass it and take the lead for the sake of their national interests

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

Strategic shift in Washington's Syria policy

Trump's decision to stop "this nonsense" caught the Pentagon and the U.S. State Department by surprise.

Strategic shift in Washington's Syria policy
Turkey wants to normalize relations while US does not

Turkey wants to normalize relations, while US does not

The U.S. providing shelter to FETÖ members and weapons to the PKK-affiliated terrorist group in Syria remain two main factors behind its frozen ties with Turkey


FETÖ is a new generation terrorist group with giant parallel organizations, strict believers, subcontracting in intelligence operations and acceptance of all kinds of efforts, regardless of how malicious they are, to achieve its goals.

NATO ignoring Turkey's security concerns is the main factor that prompted the recent crisis between the two