US's failed diplomacy glitters in 2017 review

Regional powers and U.S. allies, nowadays, try to figure out what the nature of this trend is and what it will lead to. Although it is dubbed "pragmatic realism" by actors of this new foreign policy, it raises concern about a new form of isolationism and a more aggressive form of unilateralism. The belated expression of commitment to the collective security clause of NATO has become part of this concern.

US's failed diplomacy glitters in 2017 review
Cautious optimism in Turkey's 2018 foreign policy agenda

Cautious optimism in Turkey's 2018 foreign policy agenda

Turkey's foreign policy had a year of transition and change in 2017.


By standing stronger than ever, it is high time for the Islamic world to increase cooperation against deadly terrorism in their countries

Why did the Sudanese welcome Erdoğan with open arms

Why did the Sudanese welcome Erdoğan with open arms?

President Erdoğan pushes for a better and more just world whilst pledging to pay the price of challenging oppression. This is why the Sudanese people welcomed him with open arms


Clearly, the Trump administration's threats were intended to prevent the U.N. General Assembly from voting overwhelmingly to support a resolution sponsored by Turkey and others.

There are several things worth mentioning about the Nation Security Strategy (NSS) in a short column.

Washington's decision to develop a new Middle East policy geared toward protecting Israel's narrow and ultra-nationalist interests alone created a new trend in regional affairs.