The U.S. is part of the deal

Turkish academics argue the United States must be part of recent deal between terrorist groups PKK/PYD and Daesh

The U S is part of the deal
Forced restructuring of leadership in Saudi Arabia breaches tradition

Forced restructuring of leadership in Saudi Arabia breaches tradition

It seems that a strong power struggle among the grandsons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud will determine the future of the country. The killing of his two grandsons and the confiscation of financial assets of leading businessmen for sure will have implications for Saudi politics in the near future.


Everyone seems to agree that Turkey-U.S. relations are going through a rough patch. Throughout history, there had been ups and downs in bilateral relations. However, the problems between Ankara and Washington at a time of global uncertainty and deepening regional conflicts are indicative of a different kind of structural crisis.

While long distance has been covered against Daesh on many fronts, war is still far from complete

Due to the presence of many factors it becomes hard to understand the U.S.'s plans in Asia, and after Trump's visit, his administration has a difficult job of explaining its 'plan' for foreign policy

We need to see that a big, malevolent game is being played. Of course, regional countries' faulty strategies, steps to save the day and especially elites' efforts to gain ground in domestic politics catalyze foreign powers' manipulations and interventions. However, it is indisputable that the region is currently facing a new policy of disintegration plotted by foreign powers.

US war games take Middle East from volatile to brink of war

In retrospect, this neo-medieval order did not emerge by happenstance or as a result of sporadic developments, but as a result of a deliberate, flexible and long-term regional transformation strategy conducted by the U.S. and its interlocutors.

US war games take Middle East from volatile to brink
Adjusting rhetoric to realities of global balances

Adjusting rhetoric to realities of global balances

The positive atmosphere of Trump's visit to China may not help the U.S. re-engage the realities of the global system, but it is a good start


The crown prince's grip on power, which has received the blessing of the United States, Israel and the Gulf, has been accompanied by powerful rhetoric of reform, a new vision, development and fighting corruption.

Making significant progress in the fight against Daesh, Ankara must now watch out for the terrorist group's next-generation attacks such as vehicles plowing through crowds and using sleeper cells

The growing rift between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which recently caused Lebanese PM Hariri to resign, will soon impact others in the region, too

The 2019 elections are too critical to be "left" to Turkey's domestic politics alone. We cannot expect European capitals, which blatantly developed an attitude against the April 16 referendum, and the Gulf States, which acted implicitly, to remain silent in these elections.