London panel focuses on Turkey-UK relations

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

London panel focuses on Turkey-UK relations
US should work with Turkey for stability in Syria

‘US should work with Turkey’ for stability in Syria

Experts from Ankara-based think-tank say Turkish-US relations should be put back on track for sustainable peace in Syria


Insight Turkey has just published its special focused on Gulf affairs. The articles of this issue analyze the disputes in the Gulf, disagreements within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the existing conflicts in the region.

Europe should not wait for Muslims to be burned in gas chambers, Mevlut Cavusoglu says

Far right discourse about Muslims is normalized in Europe, says Enes Bayrakli

Operation Olive Branch conducted by Turkey has proved that following the defeat of Daesh, there is no need for the presence of the PKK's Syrian offshoot the People's Protection Units (YPG) in the region, experts said in a panel titled, "The Political and Military Consequences of the Afrin Operation" organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) in Ankara.

Turkish think tank reveals FETO’s network in UK

Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research report says FETO structure in UK dates back to 1993

Turkish think tank reveals FETO s network in UK
SETA D C Director Üstün Tillerson s dismissal symptom of

SETA D.C. Director Üstün: Tillerson’s dismissal symptom of political crisis in Washington

As Turkish-U.S relations have been passing through a difficult period, U.S. President Donald Trump announced last week that he fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and nominated CIA Director Mike Pompeo via his Twitter account.


Kurdish Syrian politician says PYD/PKK never allows any group which defends a different point of view

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey and the region, in its first issue for 2018 brings to its readers valuable articles that focus mainly on China’s foreign policy. “Persistent Rise of China: Global Challenges and Regional Dynamics” assesses China’s growing influence in international and regional politics and experts in this field provide different perspectives regarding China’s global challenges and the regional dynamics.

What is the strategic reasoning behind Turkey’s military operation against the PKK in the Afrin region? What does Turkey’s game plan mean for the region? What are the implications of Turkey’s military operation for the future of the Turkey-U.S.-Russia triangle?

What are the policy divergences between Turkey and the US in Syria? What is the US policy to stabilize Syria after the demise of ISIS? How will the Afrin operation influence US-Turkey relations?