Call For Reports: European Islamophobia Report 2016 (EIR)

The EIR documents and analyzes trends in the spread of Islamophobia in various European nation states. Every year on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), EIR will be published.

Call For Reports European Islamophobia Report 2016 EIR
European Islamophobia Report 2015 EIR

European Islamophobia Report 2015 (EIR)

The national reports in the EIR look at significant incidents and developments in each country during the period under review.


A recent report by SETA puts forth a detailed profile of steeply rising Islamophobic incidents in 25 European countries as terrorism and Islamophobia trigger each other

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

SETA organized a panel on Monday and presented the "European Islamophobia Report 2015" with the participation of presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın.

"EU Fund for Syrians in Turkey Not Even Enough for Their Education Needs"

The EU's 3 billion euros of aid to Ankara for Syrian refugees in Turkey is criticized by experts who say that the amount is not even sufficient for covering the education needs of the refugees, let alone their other needs

quot EU Fund for Syrians in Turkey Not Even Enough
EU Fund for Syrians in Turkey Not Even Enough for

“EU Fund for Syrians in Turkey Not Even Enough for Their Education Needs”

The EU's 3 billion euros of aid to Ankara for Syrian refugees in Turkey is criticized by experts who say that the amount is not even sufficient for covering the education needs of the refugees, let alone their other needs


PYD terrorist group supports Assad regime in attempt to benefit from Syrian civil war, says SETA.

As the ruling AK Party accelerates its efforts to draft a new constitution with the consent of opposition parties, constitutional law expert Uzun says without the mention of a new political system, a new constitution cannot be considered new.

American administration does not want a serious role in Iraq anymore, at least not under Obama's leadership. The next president should volunteer to make serious political investments and be a sponsor for the political rapprochement in Iraq. Without a rapprochement in Iraq and Syria, the chaos will continue and ISIS will make use of it to last longer.

"The Syrian Crisis After the Russian Intervention," panel organized on Monday by the Ankara-based think tank Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA).