Islam is religion of peace: Head of Turkey's Diyanet

Ali Erbas, the head of Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, says racism, xenophobia narrow areas of freedom

Islam is religion of peace Head of Turkey's Diyanet
Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue The Struggle over Central

Insight Turkey Publishes Its Latest Issue “The Struggle over Central Asia: Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey’s Comeback”

The latest issue of Insight Turkey, 'The Struggle over Central Asia: Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey’s Comeback,' focuses on different topics including the latest developments in Central Asia, which has high potential but came under the spotlight only in recent years and also the highly important general and presidential June 24, 2018 elections in Turkey.


Ankara is perturbed by the U.S. plan to set up observation points in northern Syria controlled by the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) due to concerns that it may lead to legitimizing the group's presence in the area.

US sanctions on Iran may increase Turkey-Iraq trade WHILE the implications of the second round of U.S. sanctions against Iran on the regional economy are being discussed, experts said that Turkish goods could dominate the Iraqi market with the decline in imports of Iranian goods due to the sanctions.

President Erdoğan's visit to Paris for Armistice Day commemorations is expected to see a meeting with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, during which key issues, particularly FETÖ and the YPG, will be discussed

The U.S.' unilateral sanctions on Iran have made it more difficult to do business in Iran and trade with Iranian companies, according to Turkish businesspeople and experts

Turkey says US move on PKK overdue, calls for immediate action toward Syrian wing YPG

The U.S. has decided to put a bounty on the heads of top three PKK terrorists. The step has been seen in Ankara as a belated move and insufficient to restore trust in ties, as Washington continues to back the YPG – the PKK's Syrian offshoot

Turkey says US move on PKK overdue calls for immediate
Turkey aims to eliminate YPG from east of Euphrates quickly

Turkey aims to eliminate YPG from east of Euphrates quickly while Manbij process inches along

Turkey has said it is resolutely committed to clearing the YPG terror threat from northeastern Syria and recently shelled YPG positions along its borders. Experts say Ankara will no longer wait around for the Manbij deal and will take any necessary steps to address the issue


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed new members to the nine Presidential Councils, according to the Official Gazette. The names include former politicians, academicians, bureaucrats and experts from public and private sectors, as well as prominent intellectuals, writers, artists, journalists and businessman, who would advise the president on certain issues.

'Jerusalem: Palestine's Capital' to be theme of 18th annual book fair in Jordan's capital

Turkey’s vision of humanitarian aid is not about aid packages or vulnerable people waiting in line, says Emine Erdogan

Two allies should 'come back to the table and find ways to repair their relationship,' says foreign policy director