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All Power to Erdogan

All Power to Erdogan

Turkey's constitution shows that the post of presidency wasn't intended to be merely symbolic or ceremonial - it only morphed into this due to military interference.

For the first time in Turkey's history, its president - the country's 12th - has secured the office by popular vote. This is no simple fact. Rather, it is a development that will fundamentally change the way governments are formed in Turkey. To appreciate the magnitude of this change, it is necessary to look at the powers vested in the president by the constitution.

Below are the related articles of the constitution.

Duties and powers:

ARTICLE 104 - The President of the Republic is the head of the State. In this capacity, he/she shall represent the Republic of Turkey and the unity of the Turkish Nation; he/she shall ensure the implementation of the Constitution, and the regular and harmonious functioning of the organs of the State.

To this end, the duties he/she shall perform, and the powers he/ she shall exercise, in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the relevant articles of the Constitution are as follows:

a) Those relating to legislation:

To deliver, if he/she deems it necessary, the opening speech of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on the first day of the legislative year;

To summon the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, when necessary;

To promulgate laws;

To send laws back to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey to be reconsidered;

To submit to referendum, if he/she deems it necessary, laws regarding amendment to the Constitution;

To appeal to the Constitutional Court for the annulment part of whole or certain provisions of laws, decrees having the force of law and the Rules of Procedure of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on the grounds that they are unconstitutional in form or in content;

To decide to renew elections for the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

b) Those relating the executive:

To appoint the Prime Minister and to accept his/her resignation;

To appoint and dismiss ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister;

To preside over the Council of Ministers or to call the Council of Ministers to meet under his/her chairpersonship whenever he/she deems it necessary;

To accredit representatives of the Turkish State to foreign states and to receive the representatives of foreign states appointed to the Republic of Turkey;

To ratify and promulgate international treaties;

To represent the Office of Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish Armed Forces on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey;

To decide on the use of the Turkish Armed Forces;

To appoint the Chief of the General Staff; To call the National Security Council to meet; To preside over the National Security Council;

To proclaim martial law or state of emergency, and to issue decrees having the force of law, by the decisions of the Council of Ministers under his/her chairpersonship;

To sign decrees;

To remit or commute the sentences imposed on certain individuals, on grounds of chronic illness, disability or old age;

To appoint the members and the chairperson of the State Supervisory Council;

To instruct the State Supervisory Council to carry out inquiries, investigations and inspections;

To appoint the members of the Council of Higher Education;

To appoint president of universities.

c) Those relating to the judiciary:

To appoint the members of the Constitutional Court, one- fourth of the members of the Council of State, the Chief Public Prosecutor and the Deputy