Bullets, distortion of truth and lynchings in Türkiye

The upcoming Turkish elections are not characterized by complete right-left polarization. Right-wing parties and former Justice and Development Party (AK Party) members are at the CHP’s table. In truth, anti-Erdoğanism represents the backbone of the opposition campaign, but that is not enough to win. That’s because neo-Kemalist CHP and IP voters do not think that anti-Erdoğanism could justify Kılıçdaroğlu’s engagement with the HDP. Likewise, they are seriously frustrated by the PKK and FETÖ’s thinly veiled endorsement of the prominent opposition leader. In their view, Kılıçdaroğlu and his many vice presidential candidates are not fit to govern Türkiye.

Bullets distortion of truth and lynchings in Türkiye
Is it possible to pause candidacy debate in opposition

Is it possible to pause candidacy debate in opposition?

Turkey's opposition bloc has yet to come to an agreement on a joint road map for the 2023 elections, and their chances to construct one seem to be quite low


Opposition leaders Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu of the Republican People's Party (CHP) and Meral Akşener of the Good Party (IP) continue to call for an early election, whenever they feel like it.

Turkey’s political parties are currently preoccupied with the proposed regulation of social media platforms, the legal status of Hagia Sophia, the parliamentary bill on multiple bar associations, the Istanbul Convention, the LGBT and Generation Z debates and the declining performance of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. In addition to those hot topics, there are also two permanent features: early elections and potential shifts between electoral alliances.

Gül is making the wrong choice for his political career if he dares to be the joint candidate of the opposition bloc as the news reports suggest

Turkey's constitution shows that the post of presidency wasn't intended to be merely symbolic or ceremonial - it only morphed into this due to military interference.

The Charm of the Discourse on New Turkey

Life is a perpetual quest for renewal, and the not-so-uncommon pain of change often calls for a strong narrative. After all, one tends to find some comfort in the magic of words. The power of discourse allows us to blend yesterday's memories with the promise of today and the future.

The Charm of the Discourse on New Turkey