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Criminalization of Muslim Political Activism in Europe

Criminalization of Muslim Political Activism in Europe

In this context, SETA will organize a web-panel titled “Criminalization of Muslim Political Activism in Europe”.

Moderator: Enes Bayraklı, SETA Speakers: Yasser Louati, Justice and Liberties for All Committee in France Hatem Bazian, Zaytuna College & UC Berkeley Salman Sayyid, University of Leeds

Islamophobia is on the rise in Europe. Not only Muslims but also Muslim political activism is increasingly becoming subject of restrictions and harassment in Europe. Austria’s right-wing Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced a raft of new measures which would make “political Islam” a criminal offence. President of France, Emmanuel Macron also announced a controversial plan to tackle what he calls “Islamic separatism” in France, claiming that the faith of Islam is in “crisis” all over the world and promising to “free Islam in France from foreign influences.

In this context, SETA will organize a web-panel titled “Criminalization of Muslim Political Activism in Europe”. The web-panel will be moderated by SETA European Studies Director Enes Bayraklı and the panellists include, Yasser Louati from Justice and Liberties for All Committee in France, Hatem Bazian from Zaytuna College & UC Berkeley and Salman Sayyid from University of Leeds.