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Assessing Kosovo s Election Results What to Expect Next

Assessing Kosovo’s Election Results: What to Expect Next?

Moderator : Mehmet Uğur Ekinci, SETA Speakers : Isa Blumi, Stockholm University - Erhan Türbedar, Independent Analyst - Engjellushe Morina, ECFR - Leon Malazogu, Former Ambassador

Moderator : Mehmet Uğur Ekinci, SETA Speakers : Isa Blumi, Stockholm University Erhan Türbedar, Independent Analyst Engjellushe Morina, ECFR Leon Malazogu, Former Ambassador

The coalition led by the Vetëvendosje Movement (LVV) won the snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo on 14 February 2021 with a landslide victory. With its leftist, progressive, and anti-establishment stance, the LVV has long advocated for sweeping reforms for political and economic stability. As to foreign affairs, the party has adopted a nationalistic discourse regarding Kosovo’s relations with its neighbors and international actors. While its unprecedented electoral support shows the high expectations from the LVV, the prospective government will have to deal with serious issues such as the country’s longstanding socio-economic problems and its unresolved international status.

What are the historical and socio-political processes that led to the rise of the LVV and its victory in the latest elections? What will be domestic and foreign policy priorities of the prospective government in Kosovo? What are the wider implications of the election results against the backdrop of international politics today?

A web panel organized by SETA Foreign Policy Directorate will seek answers for the questions above and more. The event will take place on 25 February 2021, at 16:30 (Ankara time) with participation of Dr. Isa Blumi, associate professor of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies at Stockholm University, Leon Malazogu, former ambassador of Kosovo to Japan, Dr. Erhan Türbedar, independent analyst and former senior political advisor at the Regional Cooperation Council, and Engjellushe Morina, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.