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The Ankara Process Can the Somalia-Ethiopia Tension be resolved through

The Ankara Process: Can the Somalia-Ethiopia Tension be resolved through Türkiye’s efforts?

The main disagreements between the two countries are historical, religious, border, strategic and political issues.

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This study deeply analyzes the roots of the centuries-long conflicts between Somalia and Ethiopia and the strategic interests underlying the current maritime access dispute. By tracing the origins of these issues back centuries, the study seeks to uncover the motivations and causes of trust problems behind the maritime access dispute through the lens of wars, border disputes, and various conflicts that both countries have experienced at different periods in history. The report places special emphasis on Türkiye’s facilitation efforts in this crisis and the diplomatic initiatives known as the “Ankara Process.” The study examines how Türkiye has utilized its historical, cultural, and diplomatic ties to manage this process and play a critical role in overcoming the trust deficit between the two countries. The depth of Türkiye’s relationships with both Somalia and Ethiopia offers a unique opportunity to resolve this crisis, while also demonstrating Türkiye’s commitment to promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. Türkiye’s efforts to facilitate peace and stability in this process once again highlight its significant role in regional diplomacy. This report is not only an in-depth examination of Somalia-Ethiopia relations but also sheds light on how global and regional power balances in the Horn of Africa are being shaped.


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