Headlines from Trump's Asia trip

Due to the presence of many factors it becomes hard to understand the U.S.'s plans in Asia, and after Trump's visit, his administration has a difficult job of explaining its 'plan' for foreign policy

Headlines from Trump's Asia trip
Saudi Arabia's painful transformation

Saudi Arabia's painful transformation

The crown prince's grip on power, which has received the blessing of the United States, Israel and the Gulf, has been accompanied by powerful rhetoric of reform, a new vision, development and fighting corruption.


With some minor changes in its policies on Gülen and the PYD, Washington can easily fix its ties with Ankara

Trump's visit to five countries in Asia is a good opportunity for the U.S. to restore diplomatic ties with regional countries

Washington's inability to pursue a coherent policy in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, makes its allies feel deeply concerned about their relationship with the U.S.

Decision by the U.S. administration and Congress will have a variety of ramifications for politics in the Middle East and U.S. relations with its partners in the nuclear deal. Remember that actions of the U.S. administration will be judged with U.S. actions and inactions that have taken place in recent years in the Middle East.

Good Cop, Bad Cop Policy at White House

Trump’s foreign policy and security team members more or less agree that Iran constituted a major problem for the region.

Good Cop Bad Cop Policy at White House
Is It Just a Battle of Words Between Trump and

Is It Just a Battle of Words Between Trump and Kim? I Hope It Is

The conflict between the U.S. and North Korea has prompted some other crises in East Asia, dragging the whole region, with the involvement of other countries, into an unstoppable chaos


Following successive firings in the White House, it is really hard to predict the future of the new U.S. foreign policy

Regional actors taking position in the Syrian town of Idlib seems to be changing the balances in the whole region

Trump ousting Priebus as chief of staff and appointing Kelly is a development showing Trump's efforts to take the upper hand in the White House

The foreign policymakers of the Trump administration need to clarify how the U.S.-Russian relations will go on

Experts still have unanswered questions about the Gulf Arab countries' decision both in timing and nature that led to this crisis.

Gulf nations must realize the danger of their current policies in the region and do something about it

The crisis in the Gulf region has been occupying the international agenda while the years-long problems in the Middle East are still waiting to be resolved

Barzani sees the independence referendum as a political opportunity for the KRG, but at such a conjuncture, it seems to lead a more complicated region

Donald Trump's inability to determine the U.S.'s domestic and foreign policies are causing uncertainty in the global political system

After the Idlib attack, the horrendous images of the people impacted by the chemical elements generated a powerful reaction. Following this, President Donald Trump's statement about his reaction to the Assad regime resulted in major questions about U.S. actions.

The "red line" statement, the incoherence in statements and lack of action defined the U.S. policy toward the region. This policy of course caused a major challenge in Turkish-U.S. relations

Trump administration might herald a new era in which the already existing danger of anti-Muslim extremism in the Western world

It has always been hard for U.S. administrations to determine foreign policy, and there have always been different voices in Washington D.C. arguing over it, that's the reason for today's absence of any decisions in the U.S.