A Turkey-US discrepancy east of Euphrates

Security concerns are the sole motivation for the Turkish military, which is about to launch a counterterror operation in northern Syria

A Turkey-US discrepancy east of Euphrates
The wind of new unilateral politics in the US

The wind of new unilateral politics in the US

Since the beginning of the debates on the transformation of the international system there have been different questions in regards to the future of the world order – if there is one..


The U.S. has decided to put a bounty on the heads of top three PKK terrorists. The step has been seen in Ankara as a belated move and insufficient to restore trust in ties, as Washington continues to back the YPG – the PKK's Syrian offshoot

Now both sides have to compete against each other in a civilized manner and manage the risk of the former members of the Nation Alliance cooperating.

The AK Party and the MHP finding themselves at odds over certain issues is only normal and does not mean that their alliance will be damaged or come to an end

Almost every foreign policy crisis in the United States in the last few years has shown the difficulty of responding due to the lack of a strategy or coordination.

Syria and US credibility

The U.S. policy on Syria over the last seven years has been nothing short of an enigma...

Syria and US credibility
A witch hunt in the White House

A witch hunt in the White House?

It is a rather confusing time for outside observers to understand what is taking place in the U.S. administration today.


One of the most significant unknowns in Washington for the last seven years has been the Syrian policy. The inconsistency between rhetoric and policy, the absence of a strategy and indecisiveness were considered the pillars of the U.S. position

The foreign policy makers of the Trump administration are damaging the U.S.' prestige among its allies, leaving the country more isolated than ever

Whether Trump gets impeached or not, the international community will have to deal with the negative side effects of the impeachment process

The unilateralist trend that was launched by George W. Bush, who said "you are either with us or against us," actually continued in different forms in the successive U.S. administrations

The U.S. president continues straining his country's ties with Ankara by making irrational and undiplomatic moves against Turkish national interests

The Turkish-U.S. partnership can get back on track on the condition that foreign policy makers in Washington stop following destructive policies against Ankara

Turkish and U.S. officials need to find ways to stop the ongoing crisis from deepening and prevent the years-long strategic partnership from completely collapsing

The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..

The outcome of NATO's Brussels summit will demonstrate whether the U.S.-led bloc, recently shaken by Washington's controversial policies, will secure its effectiveness in the international community

In the post-elections era, Ankara is set to follow a multi-dimensional independent foreign policy, facing both regional and global challenges by pursuing rational steps and strategies

One of the most discussed issues in Washington, D.C. nowadays is the Iran strategy of the Trump administration.

The outcome of the G-7 Quebec summit signals that the trade war between the U.S. and EU will continue for a while

Following meetings between top diplomats from Turkey and the U.S. in Washington last week, there is cautious optimism for a "road map" for the future of Manbij and U.S.-Turkish relations.