Good Party: The party in the middle of the fault lines

Issues show that the Good Party remains most vulnerable to internal and external maneuvering by the two alliances. Indeed, that movement is at the heart of identity politics and ideological faultlines, too. Until now, Akşener has not surfed successfully on those faultlines – which will become shakier as the election draws near.

Good Party The party in the middle of the fault
Erdoğan's Bali messages and call to IP chair Akşener

Erdoğan's Bali messages and call to IP chair Akşener

President Erdoğan’s pledge to continue nurturing Türkiye’s external relations after next year’s elections seemed like a message to the West


The actual game of chess is being played by Kılıçdaroğlu and Akşener and relates to the selection of a joint presidential candidate

Under the circumstances, the opposition bloc has no choice but to settle all three disputes successfully.

The elections in Türkiye will coincide with the Republic’s centennial represents a theme that the various political parties and candidates will use on the campaign trail.

'If the opposition were to win the 2023 elections, what will be the center of gravity in Turkish politics? Will the country’s political arena be organized around the CHP and the HDP or the CHP and the Good Party?'

Who are disciplined via the HDP?

In truth, the question at hand goes beyond that. This is about who would make crucial political decisions (and how) if the opposition bloc were to win next year’s elections.

Who are disciplined via the HDP
Table for six' in Türkiye fails to serve

'Table for six' in Türkiye fails to serve

The opposition bloc is unable to present a feasible alternative for governing Türkiye despite considering themselves as the opposite of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party)


Erdoğan does not view Davutoğlu or Babacan as 'politicians' to drive party politics, while the Democracy and Progress Party (DEVA) and the Future Party (GP) cannot promote a new brand of politics or create a new discursive framework

Türkiye’s political parties will ostensibly fight over the Kurdish vote bank in the 2023 election campaign. That competition has already fueled rumors about a new “opening,” yet it remains unclear whether that will lead to concrete and comprehensive policy proposals.

Needless to say, the election is just 11 months away and the People’s Alliance does a better job at highlighting the various contradictions of the “table for six.” Following in Erdoğan’s footsteps, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairperson Devlet Bahçeli has been criticizing the profile of the opposition’s potential candidate.

With his misleading and miscalculated political discourses, the main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu is crossing the line that places the future of all of Turkey at risk

It remains unclear who grants legitimacy to whom around the 'table for six.' The fact that the three conservative fringe parties stand with the CHP discourages undecided conservatives from voting for them. To be on the same side with the CHP, in turn, offers minor benefits to them from other voter blocs. Furthermore, judging by the reaction of CHP supporters, anyone around the 'table for six' must accept the 'joint candidacy' of the main opposition’s candidate of choice. The fact that Kılıçdaroğlu will be that candidate, too, is about to be confirmed.

'The opposition has a democratic right to criticize the Turkish government’s refugee policy. That right, however, should be exercised without poisoning the country’s democratic culture'

It has become increasingly clear what the opposition’s 'table for six' will look like as the 2023 election approaches. In recent weeks, the Felicity Party (SP) had proposed an 'alliance within the alliance' and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has presented eight different scenarios.