Whatever happens, relations between the two countries cannot and will not reach the high level of cooperation between TurkeyÂ’s pro-coup elites and Israel in the late 1990s.
In addition to a big plus in the diplomatic success column of Turkey, for the sake of being realistic however, the structural issues such as the Turkish-Israeli conflict over the regional vision and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, etc. should be taken into consideration.
The million-dollar question, is this: Will the PKK manage to make tough decisions in 2013Â’s Turkey, where the tutelage regime is almost completely gone?
If universities want to hold their special positions granted to them by the society, then they must be ahead, not behind, of the society in their search for the truth.
The opportunity offered to the PKK to disarm today soon will be forced on it due to the newly shaping Mesopotamian geopolitics and ecosystem.
Öcalan becomes the first PKK actor who sees the “disarmament of the PKK” during the solution process not as a matter of choice but a necessity.
The AK Party makes the understanding the pillar of its policy that the status quo which maintains no-solution as its foundation can no longer be maintained.
Just as universities cannot be the places where students resort and consecrate violence; universities are public places where one cannot limit students and academicsÂ’ right to protest.
The congressÂ’s most outstanding contribution to the AK Party and Turkish politics was that it offered crucial hints to define the identity of the AK Party and the new dynamics of its politics.
Morsi, with his newly earned momentum, intervened in the tutelary powers of the judiciary in the aftermath of Gaza.
If Turkey and Egypt, , they will have taken a step that could deeply influence geopolitics in the whole region.
Had ErdoÄŸan supported the Baath regime or had he remained a spectator, as the opposition demanded, it would have taken him only months to do the political harm to himself that his adversaries could in decades.
Mohamed Morsi, by forcing the top names of the SCAF to resign, squeezed decades of the Turkish political calendar into a single month. From now on, in its battle against the tutelage regime he will struggle not only to come to power but also be in power.
The PKK, which missed by a long shot the transformation both Turkey and the Middle East undertook as evidence by the more blood it continues to shed, will continue to be a burden to the Kurds.
Russia is now about to pay the cost for its decision to invest in al-Assad -- a decision Russia has difficulty justifying even to itself.
The statements of government circles, new initiatives taken by the CHP (Republican PeopleÂ’s Party) and the interview with Leyla Zana among others boosted hopes once again.
As elective courses in the education system increase and become diversified, people have worried that this will weaken the values that hold society together.
Pre-new constitution period is an appropriate time to discuss the disadvantages of the current political system and to pursue the quest for a new political system.
His Excellency Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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