President Erdoğan's Africa visit and the half-dead dragon

President Erdoğan does not just criticize Western countries, he also calls on them to reconsider their relations with the rest of the world on the basis of new partnerships

President Erdoğan's Africa visit and the half-dead dragon
Decline of the international order we know

Decline of the international order we know

Munich Security Conferences (MSC) are important annual international events that bring world leaders, decisions makers, academics, business people, bureaucrats and young professionals together to discuss the security challenges the world is facing. MSC is considered one of the most important forums for global security policy.


In one of the most debated books in the U.S., "Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of the Nations," Amy Chua, a Yale University professor, wrote about how identity politics abroad is often missed by the U.S. and how this negligence has generated major failures in U.S. foreign policy.

On Feb. 24, the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) unanimously adopted Resolution 2401 asking the conflicting sides in the Syrian war for a 30-day cease-fire.

As the major powers reconsider their plans in Syria, the fight between proxies on the ground is getting more intense

Turkey-EU relations has reached at its lowest level thanks to EU countries ignoring Ankara's concerns on the security of its people and state

Is there a chance to better Ankara-Washington ties?

The Turkey-U.S. relations can get better if Washington takes measure against terror threats to its NATO ally

Is there a chance to better Ankara-Washington ties
The fate of the YPG as a pawn on the

The fate of the YPG as a pawn on the Syrian chess board

Operation Olive Branch expedited a process that will determine the future of the People's Protection Units (YPG), the PKK terrorist organization's Syrian branch.


On going talks between the governing Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) were finalized with a deal on..

The U.S. making axis shift in foreign policy is the root cause of frozen Ankara-Washington relations

The Americans make promises behind closed doors with no intention of keeping them and continue taking steps that place Turkish interests at risk

If Washington continues to test Ankara's patience by pushing for the creation of a ‘terror corridor' and state-like entity on its doorstep, then the make-or-break time for relations might be upon us

Germany neither extradites coup-plotters to Turkey nor puts them on trial, despite their legal obligation

Unfortunately, U.S. foreign policy is being shaped by narrow-minded military officers, and this is the reason behind Ankara and Washington's frozen relations

The U.S.'s continuous support for the People's Protection Units (YPG) in northern Syria has elicited political criticism and moral outrage in Turkey.

Nowadays, there is heavy diplomatic traffic between Turkey and the United States. Following U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster's visit to Istanbul over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to be in the Turkish capital Ankara on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Turkish and American defense ministers will reportedly hold talks in Brussels later this week.

American foreign policy on Syria is not sustainable. When we look closely at the U.S.'s tactics and strategies, it's evident that there are many problems, paradoxes and ironies regarding policy.

Kurdish Syrian politician says PYD/PKK never allows any group which defends a different point of view

The anti-Turkish lobby in the U.S. directs the Trump administration to determine its YPG policy, which is why relations between Ankara and Washington cannot stay on the right track

If anybody thought that Daesh's defeat would lead to de-escalation in Syria, they must be seriously disappointed..

The ongoing negotiations between the AK Party and MHP..